1. Ask the prospect to imagine past hurts.
Here are a few examples:
- Do you remember what it felt like the last time you stuttered in front of strangers? You wanted to just run away and hide under a rock. Do you remember how it felt when they smirked and laughed at you?
- Think back to the last time you were forced to give a public speech. Your palms were wet. Your mouth dry. Your knees were shaking so bad you thought you’d fall down. And your heart was pounding so loud you swore they could hear it in the back of the room…
- Do you remember what it was like the first time you threw a dinner party that flopped? Maybe the Beef Wellington was dry and overcooked, and your guests were too polite to mention it. But you could tell they knew… and you were so embarrassed.
2. Tell the prospect your (painful) story.
For example:
- I was 300 pounds and I couldn’t even bend over to tie my own shoes…
- I still remember all the rejection letters from publishing houses. If I put them end-to-end I bet they would have made a path from New York to San Francisco…
- The first time I tried to arrange flowers, it looked like a five year old put the vase together…
3. Tell the prospect someone else’s (painful) story.
Here are three examples to help you think about how you might open your letter with a story:
- Jack was fat. No, take that back – he was obese. And worst of all, Jack was only 13 years old…
- Raul’s house was sitting on the market for nearly a year. And for nearly a year, Raul ate up his savings account trying to pay for a mortgage on this vacant house while paying rent for an apartment some 500 miles away. Soon the creditors were calling, hounding him…
- Every time Lee got to the free throw line during a basketball game, he choked. He couldn’t stand the jeering audience and the fact that everyone was staring at him…
4. Empathize with the reader.
For example:
- I know what it’s like to wander around the parking lot trying to remember where you parked the car. I know how embarrassing it can be to forget someone’s name…
- I know what it’s like to have the creditors calling you every day. You just want to take the phone off the hook and crawl under the covers for a few weeks. And that knot in the pit of your stomach just won’t go away…
- I know what it’s like to get that first age spot, that first gray hair, the first wrinkle. You don’t feel “wise” and experienced. No, you just feel old…
5. Open with a related news story / current event.
Here are a few examples of opening your stories with news…
- Could you really be “crazy in love?” Brain researchers in Germany think so…
- Getting old means getting senile, right? Not so, say a team of scientists…
- Doctors and researchers are hard at work trying to predict – and prevent – the next flu pandemic…
6. Get the prospect to imagine life without the problem.
For example:
- Imagine what life will be like when you find your soul mate. No more lonely Saturday nights. No more checking “just me” on those wedding RSVPs. No more awkward conversations with mom when she asks, “So are you seeing anyone special?”
- Imagine how you’ll feel when you finally get rid of the flea problem in your house! No more itchy flea bites. No more toxic flea sprays! And finally your dog will stop scratching and suffering…
- Imagine how you’ll feel when you’re free from joint pain! At last you’ll be able to play with the grandkids without crippling pain. Finally you’ll be able to start taking regular walks again…
7. Open with a statistic.
For example:
- If you live in Florida, there’s a 38% chance that you’ll lose your home within the next two years.
- Four out of five researchers agree that the best way to reduce your blood pressure is to exercise and eat right. So why is your doctor pushing expensive and even dangerous medication on you?
- A whopping 67% of teenagers admit to trying drugs and alcohol in the past three months. Would you know if your son was addicted?
8. List reasons why the problem is so bad.
8a. You ______. You _______. And ______.
For example:
- You can’t fit into your clothes. You get winded going up the stairs. And your toddler just asked, “why are you so fat, mommy?”
- You’re getting gray hair. You’re starting to get those unsightly age spots. And you try to tell yourself that those wrinkles are just delightful “laugh lines.”
- You feel light-headed sometimes. Your spouse is harping on you about your eating habits. And your doctor said your blood pressure just entered the “stroke zone”…
9. Engage the reader’s senses.
For example:
- Before you developed seasonal allergies, you used to love going outside on a beautiful spring day, drawing in a breath of fresh air and letting the sun warm your face. You loved the smell of the fresh-cut grass and the flowers blooming. But these days you feel like a prisoner trapped in your own home…
- Do you remember what it was like the first time you rode a horse? The powerful stallion beneath you, the smooth leather reins in your hand, the wind in your face…
- Your chest tightens and you get a shot of pain near your breastbone. You notice you’re breathing shallow, fast. Your hands are clammy. Is this a heart attack… or a panic attack?
10. Raise and handle the skepticism objection.
For example:
- I know – that’s a pretty bold promise. But the reason I can make this promise to you is because I’ve personally coached dozens of people just like you who learned how to overcome their fear of heights. If they can do it, you can too…
- You’re probably a little skeptical right now – can’t say I blame you. But that’s because no one ever told you the truth about making money online…
- This sounds almost too good to be true, right? That’s because you’ve never seen anyone make such bold claims. But you’ve also never seen anyone who’s offered such compelling proof…
11. Raise and handle another big objection.
11a. I know what you’re thinking — ___________…
For example:
- I know what you’re thinking – “what can this kid teach me about making money online?” Well, if you already have at least two million dollars worth of sales under your belt, then there’s probably not much I can teach you. But if you’re still struggling to get to the six or seven figure mark, then you’ll want to pay attention to every word of this letter…
- I know what you’re thinking – “what does an oil tycoon know about saving the planet and going green?” As it turns out, plenty. And here’s why…
- I know what you’re thinking – “of COURSE this dude can make money online – he’s got a list of guru buddies a mile long!” Sure, maybe that’s true today. But I started out just like you – without money and without connections. And just 12 short months later I built my million dollar empire…
12. Share a case study.
For example:
- Joanne had never even held a pair of knitting needles before her “Knitting Made Easy” DVDs arrived in the mail…
- Rick heard about folks making money online, but he didn’t believe it. Before he joined the “Making Money Made Easy” webinar, the only thing he did online was send email to the grandkids…
- Sarah spent ten long years dreaming of writing a book…
13. Tell a story that elicits the “if he can, I can too” reaction.
For example:
- Imagine for a moment a high school dropout. He doesn’t have a fancy diploma. He doesn’t have connections. And yet this is a guy who’s made over $1,628,993 in the last six months. If a dropout can make that much, just imagine what you can do!
- Sally would never give up her nightly chocolate indulgence. And yet she’s lost 36 pounds so far. If a chocoholic can lose weight, just imagine what you can do!
- Jose just completed his first marathon, coming in 50th out of 3872 other runners. What’s so extraordinary about that is that Jose is a double amputee…
14. Ask a question.
For example:
- Are you ever embarrassed when you get unsightly cold sores on your lip?
- Have you ever worried about having a heart attack?
- Are you sick and tired of yo-yo dieting?
15. Offer a proposition: If I could show you a way to ____, would you be interested?
For example:
- If I could show you a way to make money without leaving the comfort of your home, would you be interested?
- If I could show you a way to get rid of writer’s block forever, would you be interested?
- If I could show you a way to dress like a millionaire on a blue-collar budget, would you be interested?
16. Arouse curiosity.
For example:
- Steve just won his local “strongest man” contest – and he doesn’t even own a barbell set!
- Here’s a guy who makes at least $11,385 every month – and he doesn’t have to sell anything!
- How does this one-armed basketball player sink more free throws then all of his teammates?
17. Share a breakthrough discovery.
For example:
- I used to struggle to on the first page of Google, even for long-tail keywords. But that was before I made a startling discovery about Google’s algorithm…
- Researchers have just uncovered a way for you to rev up your metabolism for the entire day… and all it takes is 12 quick minutes in the morning!
- Scientists just discovered a food that practically stops the clock on aging…
18. Establish a connection with the prospect: If you’re like me, then _____…
For example:
- If you’re like me, then you’re always looking for new ways to save money…
- If you’re like me, then you love impressing your friends with fantastic recipes…
- If you’re like me, then you’re always on the lookout for copywriting tricks that can skyrocket your conversion rates and put more money in your pocket…
19. Make the prospect feel special.
For example:
- You’re a savvy online marketer…
- You’re part of a very special group of folks who’re doing your part to live an earth-friendly lifestyle…
- You’re smart. And that’s why you know that every weight-loss plan must include good nutrition…
20. Teach your prospect something to help solve his problem.
For example:
- There are three steps you need to take if you want to master AdWords marketing. These three steps include…
- If your dog has an ear infection, you can alleviate her suffering by mixing three drops of tea tree oil with 5 ML of water…
- People say if you eat fat you’ll get fat – but they’re dead wrong. That’s because your body needs the “good” fats, which you can find in the following foods…