We’ve been talking about writing ezine articles by answering some “frequently asked questions” about a topic related to your particular field of interest and expertise.
The question is … what questions? 🙂
I’ve organized the following swipe file of 30 FAQs that you can answer as the basis of numerous ezine articles. (Heck, you can use them to create mini-courses, special reports, and even full-length products).
Take 3-10 of these and answer them for your next ezine article. And mix-n-match these questions with different topics within your market and you should have more than enough to write about for a long time.
- What is ___________?
- Can you give me an example of ___________?
- How can I get started with ___________?
- What are some reasons why someone would want to ____________?
- What ’s the biggest mistake you’ve made in __________? How can I avoid it?
- If you had to sum up _______ in 5 steps, what would they be?
- Can you share a few “shortcuts” to success in ___________?
- What ’s your best advice about _________ for someone just starting out?
- Can you shared 2-3 “advanced” methods for ____________?
- What are some quick tips for ____________?
- Where should I be focusing most of my time in ___________?
- What ___________ resources do you recommend?
- What ’s the absolute easiest way to ____________?
- Name some pitfalls that I should be aware of. How can they be avoided?
- Who have you learned the most from about ______? What have you learned?
- Why are some people successful at ________ while other people fail?
- What do you consider to be a complete waste of time in _______? Why?
- What are some short term and long-term goals to set for __________?
- I hear the term ___________ a lot. What does it mean and how does it affect me?
- What ’s the one thing I should start doing NOW as it relates to ____________?
- What do you see as the next big trend in _____________?
- What are the tools that I need in order to successfully ___________?
- What’s the one secret to _________ that you really don’t want to share?
- What can I do to improve what I’m already doing with ____________?
- Give me a timeline of my first ______ days. What should I expect? What should I do?
- If you had to _________ in the next _________ days, how would you do it?
- If you could go back and change one thing about _______ what would it be? Why? What would you do differently?
- What are some daily activities I should be doing related to __________? Plan a weekly schedule for me.
- What is some bad advice that you’ve seen others give about ____________?
- Nothing off limits … what’s the fastest way to see __________ results?
If you use this swipe file, it will be a tremendous asset for you in coming up with ideas for virtually any kind of content you are writing in the future.