A secret ‘digital coupon’ method that generates as many $197-$697/month automatic cash machines as you like?
Name: Local Coupon Formula
Product Owner: Jason Bell & SociMasters
Website: Click Here
Price: $17.00
In a nutshell, what is Local Coupon Formula?
Local Coupon Formula shows you how to set up ‘digital coupon campaigns’ for local businesses, which generate new, paying customers, so these businesses happily pay $197-697/month recurring for years. You can set up as many of these ‘coupon cash machines’ as you like, allowing you to easily scale up to 6 figures.
What problem does Local Coupon Formula solve?
The problem is that most local marketing courses teach you how to offer one-off services to local businesses, such as web design, app design etc. The issue here is that one-off services means you’re starting at zero every single month, which means hustling, cold calling, chasing and begging people to buy your services every month.
And courses that teach you how to offer ongoing services for a monthly retainer, such as SEO, social media marketing, reputation management etc. usually mean a ton of work every month fulfilling those services, or paying through the nose to outsource the work out to freelancers.
Local Coupon Formula introduces a unique ‘coupon’ service that generates new customers for local businesses on autopilot, month in month out, allowing you to charge $197-697/month per client ongoing, and yet it’s a service that takes just 10 minutes to set up once, and then no more backbreaking monthly fulfillment, or expensive outsourcing to freelancers.
Who is Local Coupon Formula for?
Local Coupon Formula is aimed at the complete beginner, with thorough step-by-step video + PDF training.
It sets out to give someone the chance to go from zero to building a 6 figure social media agency, generating new customers to local businesses and boosting their local economy.
Of course, as this is a strategy for generating new customers, this course would also be invaluable to local business owners themselves, as well as Ecom store owners.
3 things I love about Local Coupon Formula:
1) I love that it’s completely newbie friendly and you need no prior experience of local marketing. Jason and the SociMasters girls even advise on how to find local businesses who are in desperate need of this ‘local coupon’ service, and are willing to pay hundreds of dollars a month. They even give you their simple, proven prospecting tactics that land local clients without any selling or cold-calling – their tactics will get local businesses calling you. This is perfect for people who hate selling, or are introverted.
2) I love that it requires zero tech skills. There’s been many times I’ve bought courses that promised to be simple, but once inside, my head would be spinning at trying to keep up with technical jargon. Local Coupon Formula is an over-the-shoulder video course where you literally follow along as they set up these online coupons, just copy and paste….even a child could do this.
3) This is a real business, and not one of those typical ‘push button software’ type courses that promise so much, and deliver so little. Within a few minutes inside of the course, you’ll see exactly how these online coupons deliver new customers to local businesses for years, enabling you to build a genuine, long-term social media agency business from home. And, Jason and the SociMasters girls also show you how to get set up with zero upfront budget.
What will I get inside Local Coupon Formula?

>> Step-by-step Video + PDF Training
An easy-to-follow, step-by-step video course (with handy PDFs so you can refresh your memory at-a-glance).
>> How to target specific local clients who are in desperate need of this ‘Local Coupon Formula’ service
Jason and the SociMasters girls will show you how to find these perfect clients who are in dire need of a constant stream of paying customers, and who are willing to pay you hundreds of dollars every month for you to automate this for them.
>> How to get clients without leaving the comfort of your home
You’ll be given access to simple, proven prospecting tactics that land these clients without any selling or cold calling. In fact, these tactics get local business owners calling YOU.
>> How to generate the perfect, customer-pulling local coupon
You’ll get the exact proven local coupon formula, so you can simply copy and paste what works with zero experience. You can be up and running in under 10 minutes flat.
>> How to ‘set and forget’ your coupon campaigns so they become a 24/7 evergreen billboard that never sleeps
You’ll find out how to set your coupons to ‘evergreen’ so the audience automatically changes every 7 days, always reaching new people, without you having to test, tweak or lift a finger – wave goodbye to monthly fulfillment and expensive outsourcing.
>> How to make $197-$697/month per coupon campaign within the next 7-14 days
Jason and the SociMasters girls will reveal how you can get set up super-fast, so you can see results in the quickest time possible – perfect for newbies, or experienced and jaded local marketers needing a quick win.
>> How to make your clients addicted and dependent on you, so retaining clients is never an issue
Discover how to make every single one of your new clients ethically dependent on you, so they stick with you for YEARS.
>> How to scale your local agency business to 6 figures, while working part time
Jason and the SociMasters girls are aware that many newbies will have a job, or kids to look after…so they show you exactly how you can start this business as a ‘side hustle’ with zero experience and zero upfront budget. And yet, you’ll still be able to scale to 6 figures, without you needing a ton of staff, and without you needing to do tons of work.
Any drawbacks to Local Coupon Formula?
This is a genuine business opportunity. Now, you might be wondering, exactly how is that a drawback?? Well, the truth is, there are many ‘shiny object hunters’ out there (are you one?) These are people who just want to be seduced with the idea of pushing some fabled button online that will just throw out a ton of money for them. They have no intentions of actually bettering their lives and creating a real 6 figure business.
Local Coupon Formula is a real business strategy, one that has allowed Jason and the SociMasters girls to build 6 figure social media agencies themselves (yup, these guys actually practice what they preach as they have no fewer than 3 separate, ultra-successful social media agencies, each one making at least 6 figures).
Bearing this in mind, this course is aimed at people who really do want to leave their 9-5’s behind (and not just dream about it) and create a real business from home that serves their local community by helping local businesses thrive in a tough economy. It’s not for your ‘get rich quickers.’
Having said that, it is, without a doubt, the easiest and fastest strategy I’ve seen to building a bonafide 6 figure local agency business from home, especially as, unlike similar courses, you are not required to learn complicated tech skills. And, as you get paid monthly, but only do the ‘work’ once, you’re free to scale up super-fast!
Do I get any bonuses with Local Coupon Formula?
Yes. You get access to 3 bonuses:
1) Done-for-you testimonials
These genuine testimonials from local businesses are social proof that your new local coupon service works, and act as a powerful persuasion tactic. These testimonials will make prospective local clients want to implement your service fast.
2) How To Turbo-Charge Your Client Acquisition
This will show you how to gain 3X the number of clients, perfect for those itching for serious success instantly. Three times the clients equals three times the profits.
3) Local Coupon Formula Mastermind Group
An invite-only Facebook group, full of people like you starting out, as well as experts. This is the perfect place to ask questions when you get stuck, and get practical answers, so you never feel alone.
Are there any upsells to Local Coupon Formula?
Yes. There are 3 upsells:
1) Done-For-You Coupon Package
The main course will show you to create your online coupons fast. However, what’s even faster is having 80 proven, done-for-you coupon that you can just copy & paste.
2) Prospecting Package
The main course gives you great tactics on how to approach local businesses that need your services. However, what’s even easier is having ready-made materials that convert prospects into clients, such as proven videos, audio files and presentations that explain the local coupon service to prospects, so you don’t have to.
3) Reminder Flow
The main course will show you how to generate new customers for local businesses. However, nowadays, people are very busy, and they might forget to visit a local business and use their coupon. Reminder Flow allows you to automatically text and email these people, ‘reminding’ them of their coupon. This has been proven to increase the number of new customer visits by 450%. More customers for your clients mean higher profit margins, which means you’re able to increase your fees!
What I appreciate about these upsells are that, while each is brilliant, none are needed for the front end course to work (don’t you hate it when other courses force you into buying upsells…I know I do!)
You can start up a very successful social media agency by just following the main course, these upsells are absolutely not necessary. However, what they do is add to the main course, making your journey to 6 figures easier and faster.
Final thoughts on Local Coupon Formula:
Local Coupon Formula is unique in the sense that it’s marrying the best of 2 worlds; the simplicity of a one-off service, but getting paid monthly, again and again.
It’s about building a social media agency business from home, by showing you how to deliver a local service that you can charge a monthly retainer for, but without having to do the work over and over (which is usually the case with local services, such as SEO, reputation management, social media marketing etc.). It’s almost as if you’re just doing a ‘one-off’ service for local clients, but you’re not having to find new clients every month…your clients keep coming back to you!
This makes Local Coupon Formula rare. Not only that, it shows you how to build a genuine business (and not a pie-in-the-sky ‘internet business’ that you’d have difficulty explaining to your family) but without associated startup costs and tech skills. Anybody can use Local Coupon Formula to go from a standing still position, to being the proud owner of a 6 figure social media agency that helps their local community prosper.
Thank you for a very complete and easy to understand review