1. Shock your readers.
1a. ______ Have LIED to You!
- The Internet Marketing Gurus Have LIED to You!
1b. The Rumors are TRUE: ______ – and You Could be Next!
- The Rumors are TRUE: The Government is Spying on Citizens – and You Could be Next!
1c. ______ is DEAD!
- PPC Marketing is DEAD!
2. Ask a qualifying question.
2a. Are you having problems ______?
- Are you having problems getting pregnant?
2b. Do you ever dream of ______?
- Do you ever dream of building your own log home?
2c. Would you like to ______ that will amaze your frinds?
- Would you like to teach your dog tricks that will amaze your friends?
3. Make a statement to qualify the prospect.
3a. You’re tired of ______!
- You’re tired of the never-ending housework!
3b. Your ______ – if only there was an easier way!
- Your back aches from weeding the garden – if only there was an easier way!
3c. Your ______ makes you feel like you’re at the end of your rope…
- Your teenager makes you feel like you’re at the end of your rope…
4. Tap into the prospect’s wants.
4a. You just want to get rid of your ______ once and for all…
- You just want to get rid of your migraines once and for all…
4b. So you want to write ______
- So you want to write the next great American novel…
4c. You wish you had a ______
- You wish you had a bikini body…
5. Mention a specific group.
5a. Attention, ______!
- Attention, arthritis sufferers!
5b. Heads up, ______ !
- Heads up, football fans!
5c. An open letter to ______…
- An open letter to aspiring Haiku poets…
6. Offer a statistic.
Note: These are mostly fictional examples, so DON’T use them.
6a. There’s a __% chance ______ already has ______…
- There’s a 77% chance your cat already has worms…
6b. __% of ______ give/recommend this ______ to their own families/friends/colleagues – shouldn’t you be taking/using it too?
- 95% of doctors give this heart-healthy supplement to their own families – shouldn’t you be taking it too?
6c. Only __% of ______ will succeed – let’s make sure [yours is]/[you are] one of them…
- Only 5% of new business starts up will succeed – let’s make sure yours is one of them…
7. Offer a fact or expert opinion.
Note: Again, these are fictional, so DON’T use them.
7a. ______ predict that __% of ______ will be ______ by ______ within ______…
- Security experts predict that 80% of all computers will be infected by the McNasty Virus within three months…
7b. ______ experts are predicting ______ – are you ready?
- Weather experts are predicting 23 major hurricanes this season – are you ready?
7c. ______ is considered one of the most ______ to ______ (but it doesn’t have to be)…
- San Francisco is considered one of the most expensive places to live in the U.S. (but it doesn’t have to be)…
8. Mention a specific problem.
8a. Researchers just discovered the cure to the ______!
- Researchers just discovered the cure to the common cold!
8b. New ______ turns your ______ into ______!
- New software turns your mediocre articles into traffic-sucking profit machines!
8c. Amazing breakthrough ______ virtually/literally/permanently/magically ______!
- Amazing breakthrough supplement virtually eliminates joint pain!
9. Warn the reader.
9a. WARNING: ______ could change your life!
- WARNING: This letter could change your life!
9b. Warning: You’re only going to see ______ once!
- Warning: You’re only going to see this offer once!
9c. Warning: ______ is downright dangerous in the wrong hands…
- Warning: This mind-control information is downright dangerous in the wrong hands…
10. Arouse the prospect’s curiosity.
10a. You’re about to discover which common ______ turns ______ into ______… instantly!
- You’re about to discover which common fruit turns drab, dull hair into shiny, beautiful hair… instantly!
10b. Do you make these common ______ mistakes?
- Do you make these common trout fishing mistakes?
10c. Has ______ ever said this to you?
- Has your teenager ever said this to you?
11. Give a benefit and a timeframe.
11a. In just ___ minutes/hours/days/weeks/months from now you’ll finally know the truth about ______!
- In just two minutes from now you’ll finally know the truth about getting into law school!
11b. You could be ______ by ______!
- You could be pulling in hundreds of targeted visitors by later this afternoon!
11c. Give me ___ minutes and I’ll show you how to how to ______!
- Give me five minutes and I’ll show you how to how to land your dream job!
12. Mention a credible source.
12. As seen on/in ______
- As seen on the Rachel Ray cooking show…
- As seen on CNN…
- As seen in the February issue of Prevention magazine…
13. Post part of a testimonial.
13a. “You’ll never find a better way to ______!”
- “You’ll never find a better way to whiten your teeth!”
13b. “If I can ______ this easy – and I ______ – anyone can!”
- “If I can lose weight this easy – and I LOVE desserts – anyone can!”
13c. “This ______ has/includes the ______ I’ve ever tried/used/seen!”
- “This recipe book includes the BEST French onion soup recipe I’ve ever tried!”
14. Post part of an endorsement / testimonial from a niche celebrity.
14a. ______ says, “______”
- Tiger Woods says, “If you want to know the secrets of improving your golf game, grab this book!”
14b. ______ expert ______ says, “______”
- Marketing expert Jimmy D. Brown says, “This is the best keyword tool on the market today!”
14c. Find out why famous ______ are absolutely RAVING about ______!
- Find out why famous chefs Emeril and Rachel Ray are absolutely RAVING about this new cookbook!
15. Use social proof by providing the stats.
15a. Find out why ___ other ______ couldn’t wait to grab ______!
- Find out why 5735 other snowboarders couldn’t wait to grab this book!
15b. ___ satisfied customers/members/users can’t be wrong!
- 1838 satisfied customers can’t be wrong!
15c. ___ other ______ are reading this page right now – but only __ of you will get in.
- 7936 other back pain sufferers are reading this page right now – but only 77 of you will get in.
16. Make the sales letter forbidden.
16a. ______ wants to BAN this book!
- The Catholic Church wants to BAN this book!
16b. Here’s what ______ doesn’t want you to know!
- Here’s what the government doesn’t want you to know!
16c. Right now ___ ______ around the city/country/world are trying to ban this book – get yours before it’s banished from YOUR ______!
- Right now 214 schools around the country are trying to ban this book – get yours before it’s banished from YOUR local bookstore and libraries!
17. Qualify the prospect by “disqualifying” others.
17a. If you are/have [already] ______, then you don’t need to read this letter.
- If you’re already a millionaire, then you don’t need to read this letter.
17b. If ______ is ready for ______, then you can click the back button now.
- If your body is ready for swimsuit season, then you can click the back button now.
17c. If you’ve never ______, then you don’t need to read ______…
- If you’ve never gotten a cold, then you don’t need to read this startling new health report…
18. Qualify the prospect and urge them to keep reading.
18a. If you’ve ever dreamed of ______, then you’ll want to read every word of this letter.
- If you’ve ever dreamed of piloting your own plane, then you’ll want to read every word of this letter.
18b. If you’ve ever wanted to ______ but you thought it was ______, then you’ll want to read every word of this letter.
- If you’ve ever wanted to go to Europe but you thought it was too expensive, then you’ll want to read every word of this letter.
18c. If you’ve ever wanted to ______, then you’ll want to read every word of this letter.
- If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to paint watercolor masterpieces, then you’ll want to read every word of this letter.
19. Command the reader to do something.
19a. ______. ______. And then read every word of this letter…
- Turn off your phone. Lock the door. And then read every word of this letter…
19b. If you’ve ever wanted to ______, then ______ and read every word of this letter…
- If you’ve ever wanted to discover the secrets of writing a killer resume, then plant yourself firmly in your chair and read every word of this letter…
19c. If you suffer from chronic tension headaches, then read every word of this letter…
- If you suffer from chronic tension headaches, then read every word of this letter…
20. Get prospects to start imagining the benefits.
20a. Imagine you, ______.
- Imagine you, a rich and famous author.
20b. Imagine how would it feel/look ______ who/which is ______.
- Imagine how would it feel being a full-time RV’er who is just enjoying the good life.
20c. Imagine being a ______ who can ______…
- Imagine you, a master of persuasion who can sell anything to anybody…