Yep, the money is in the list.
But NOT just any list.
You need a targeted list. You need a responsive list. And you need to put good content and great offers in front of this targeted, responsive list.
I know, you’ve heard this before. And maybe you’ve even tried to apply it to your own list-building efforts. But “offering good content and offers to a targeted list” is vague advice.
It’s hard to apply it, because you’re left with questions. And perhaps the #1 question: What, EXACTLY, should you send to your list?
If you’ve been looking for precise ideas to apply to your list, then you’re reading the right report. That’s because…
You’re about to discover 27 different types of content
you can send to your subscribers to get them to buy again and again!
Here’s how it works…
You build a mailing list of targeted prospects.
You start off by stocking this list with at least a half a dozen email messages. Each of these messages includes good content plus a pitch for a paid product.
Then you keep adding to your list of messages – and you keep promoting additional offers.
Eventually you may have dozens of emails going out to your subscribers automatically. And when that happens, you’ll have your own hands-free profit center! All you have to do is focus on continuing to build your list, while your autoresponder works as your 24/7 sales team to drop offers in front of your prospects and profits into your pocket.
Sound good? Then read on….
Boost Your List Profits Using These Tips
Now before I share with you the 27 different ideas for content to send to your list, let me first give you four tips to help you build a profitable, responsive list…
Remember Your Overall Goal
You’re building a list because you want to make money, right?
Well in order for you to achieve that overall goal, you need to make sure each message you send does one or both of these things:
- Builds a relationship with this list. People buy from those they know, like and trust. And your autoresponder gives you an opportunity to build relationships with your subscribers, by offering good content that genuinely helps your subscribers. Don’t be afraid to give away your best tips, tricks, strategies and other content for free. When people see the high-quality content you offer for free, they’ll eagerly purchase your paid recommendations.
- Promotes an offer. Obviously, in order to make money, you’re going to need to promote offers. And that’s what this report is all about – creating an autoresponder series that pushes a variety of offers. Just be sure you’re offering high-quality offers with honest recommendations. If you wouldn’t recommend the offer to your best friend, then don’t recommend it to your list.
Which brings us to the next point…
Pitch Paid Products From Message One
When someone first joins your list, you generally have their full attention. They’re eager to hear what you have to say. But as time goes on, their interest wanes. And that’s why you should start pitching products from the very first message that you send to your new subscribers.
I know, you’ve heard about “nurturing” your list, which people generally believe means no pitching offers in the beginning of the autoresponder series.
Don’t believe it.
Because if you don’t start soft-promoting offers from the first email, you’ll just train your list to expect freebies.
Take a hint from any big company
Example: Sign up to the Dell computer newsletter. Yes, Dell does send you PC tips and tricks. But they also start sending you offers for paid products immediately.
You should do the same thing. You don’t need to do any hard sells, but you certainly should include a link for a paid product in just about every email you send to your subscribers.
Rotate Offers
One of the keys to making money with your list is to know which offers your list members are most responsive to. And the only way to know that for sure is by rotating and testing offers within your autoresponder series.
Example: If you have a dieting list, and you want to promote a book about cardio exercise, then test out three or four (or more) different cardio-related products to see which one gets the best results for you.
Create Evergreen Content
Imagine this…
You create an autoresponder series, and as time goes on you keep adding email messages to it. Pretty soon you have 28-30 messages in it, or enough content for about seven months if you send the messages out at weekly intervals.
So listen: Even if someone signs up to your list TODAY, they won’t see your last email until seven months from now. And those who sign up for your list five months from now won’t see that last messages until a year from today. That’s why you need to make sure all the content you load up into your autoresponder is evergreen content.
Yep, “evergreen content” is just what it sounds like – it’s always green. Always fresh. It doesn’t get outdated or stale.
Generally, this is information that’s time-tested and proven. Don’t even bother mentioning new ideas or fads that are unlikely to stand the test of time.
- Cardio exercise and portion control are two time-tested approaches to dieting. You can add these tactics to your evergreen article.
- Talking about a brand-new diet supplement that just hit the market is NOT an evergreen topic. Researchers might discover the pill doesn’t work. Worse yet, the pill might get yanked from the shelves because it’s dangerous. Either way, it’s going to make YOU look bad if you’re talking about an ineffective or dangerous supplement.
See the difference?
The first topic was relevant last year. It’s relevant today. And it will still be relevant a year from now. That’s why it’s an evergreen topic.
The second topic (on a brand new diet aid) isn’t evergreen. If you want to tell your list about it, you should do so via a live broadcast. But don’t add information about it in your autoresponder series, because it’s likely to get outdated.
The other thing you’ll want to keep in mind is to avoid any language that “dates” your email.
- Don’t refer to a holiday like Christmas (as if it’s happening now), because the reader may be reading your email in July.
- Don’t refer to an event that can date your email, like a presidential election, a Super Bowl playoff, the opening of a new movie, the start of the Olympics, etc.
The exception is if you do it in broad, non-dating terms, such as “I’m thinking I’d like to go to the next Olympic winter games” (just don’t mention a date, any athletes by name or where the games are being held).
- Don’t refer to personal events, like you becoming a first-time parent. If you later talk about your child being “three years old” in a live broadcast email, your readers will know the autoresponder series emails are old.
Point is, don’t mention anything that gives your readers any indication of when you’re writing the email. Even if you’re creating great evergreen content that’s still “fresh,” your readers will assume it’s dated if they think you created the messages in the past.
Quick Recap
There you have it – four good ways to turn a good list into an even more profitable list. Now let’s turn our attention to what to write about. Read on…
Stock Your Autoresponder with These 27 Types of Emails
You don’t need to stock fully stock your autoresponder before you start building your list. Instead, you can create an initial series of emails (which we’ll get to in just a moment) and then simultaneously build your list while adding new messages.
So what kinds of messages should you add to your autoresponder? I’ve got 27 ideas for you…
Note: You’ll find example messages for these emails, which shows you how to weave useful information with good offers. Do note that for consistency sake all examples will be for an online marketing newsletter, and they’ll all promote one product Web Traffic Fuel. Naturally, your own autoresponder series should promote a variety of offers.
1. Offer a Multi-Part Ecourse
This is actually a series of five to ten emails with which you use to initially stock your autoresponder.
It’s a great incentive to give to your prospects to encourage them to join your list, and it’s also a good way to “train” your subscribers to open and read your emails.
Example: Let’s suppose that I wanted to promote my Web Traffic Fuel site. I might create a five-part ecourse called “Five Surefire Ways to Drive Targeted Traffic to Your Site.” My five messages would include:
Lesson 1: How to Get Free Traffic Using Videos
Lesson 2: A Fantastic Way to Get All the JV Partners You Need
Lesson 3: How to Harness the Power of Facebook
Lesson 4: Traffic-Driving, Sales-Boosting Blog Tricks You Didn’t Know
Lesson 5: How to Build an Army of Affiliates
Each lesson would include step-by-step instructions and/or valuable tips for accomplishing what’s promised in the lesson title. But inside each lesson I’d also include a promotion.
Example: P.S. If you enjoyed learning how to drive hordes of free traffic using viral videos, then you’ll love the other tips and tricks you’ll learn inside the Traffic Fuel site. Go to Web Traffic Fuel to check it out now – you won’t be disappointed!
Got it? Now let’s move on to the individual messages you can use to stock your autoresponder…
2. Give Away a Free Report
Remember your dual goal of building a relationship and/or promoting a product? You can use this type of email message to easily achieve both goals.
The free report will help you build goodwill and trust with your subscribers. But you can also use this free report to promote a product. Alternatively, you can include a promotion within the actual email itself. Or, of course, you can include a promotion both within the email as well as in the report.
The key to making this particular email work is to give a mini sales pitch so that people will download and read the report.
Let’s see an example:
Subject: How to Create a Sizzling Link-Bait Blog Post
Hi [First Name],
You’ve heard about link-bait blog posts – these are posts with such awesome content that your readers can’t help but talk about them and link to them all over the web. But while you’ve heard about them, no one has ever told you how to create them.
Until now.
Introducing “Link-Bait Leverage,” your complete guide to creating blog posts that go viral. Best of all, it’s yours free if you click here now.
Check it out right now, because you deserve to have the blog posts that everyone in your niche raves about!
Joe Blow
P.S. Creating link-bait posts is just one dozens of ways to get free traffic. You can learn about some of the best and most powerful free traffic strategies by going to Web Traffic Fuel.
3. Share a “How To” Article
You’ll probably create and send quite a few content articles, like “how to” articles or tips articles (which we’ll get to in a moment).
The key to meeting your dual goal is to create useful, yet incomplete posts.
By useful, I mean that you send a stand-alone article that solves part of your prospect’s problem.
This helps you build trust with your prospects. Yet your article should also be incomplete, which means you can pitch the complete solution within or at the end of the article.
There are two ways to create a useful yet incomplete how to article:
- Describe PART of a process in detail.
Example: You can give an in-depth description of how to exercise to lose weight. But since nutrition is the other key to losing weight, the solution is incomplete. Thus you can pitch a weight loss product in the article.
- Give an overview of the process. Here you can list the steps of a process and tell people WHAT to do – but not HOW to do it. Then you pitch a solution that offers the full details.
Example: Let me give you an abbreviated example (your actual email will likely be at least 500 words long). Here we’re using strategy #1, where you solve PART of the prospect’s problem completely…
Subject: How to Quickly and Easily Start Your Own Blog
Hi [First Name]
You’ve thought about starting a blog. You know you should, because it would be a great profit center for you. But maybe the tech details bog you down.
Not anymore! Read on for the complete step-by-step instructions for setting up your own blog…
Step 1: Get a Domain Name and Hosting. […Here you’d include complete instructions for this step…]
Step 2: Install Your Blog. […Here you’d include complete instructions for this step…]
Step 3: Change Your Blog’s Theme. […Here you’d include complete instructions for this step…]
And there you have it – the quick and easy way to set up your own blog in just a couple clicks using your host’s control panel.
As soon as you complete the above steps you can start blogging.
But of course a great blog isn’t worth much if you don’t also have a lot of people reading your content.
You need traffic, and lots of it. That’s why I suggest you grab your Web Traffic Fuel membership now.
That’s where you’ll discover how to get all the traffic you need, for free. Check it out!
See you next time!
Joe Blow
4. Share a “Top Tips” Article
As mentioned before, another way to create a useful yet incomplete article is by sharing tips. The tips are useful, yet the article is incomplete because it doesn’t deliver an entire solution to the reader.
Let me give you an example…
Subject: Top Three Tips for Building a Responsive Mailing List
Hi [Name],
Anyone can build (or even buy) a mailing list. But the key to big profits is to build a responsive list. Here are three tips for doing exactly that…
Tip 1: Be honest. Simple, but true – be honest in your recommendations. If you wouldn’t recommend it to your mother, then don’t recommend it to your list.
Tip 2: Set subscribers’ expectations upfront. Do you know one reason why people unsubscribe from lists? Because the newsletter doesn’t meet their expectations. That’s why you should set these expectations upfront – on your squeeze page – by telling prospects exactly what kind of content to expect and how often they’ll hear from you.
Tip 3: Stay in regular contact. You can’t build relationships with anyone (online or offline) unless you stay in regular contact. That’s why you should seek to contact your subscribers each and every week.
Those three tips are a good start to building a responsive mailing list. But if you want to also build a big list, then you’re going to need traffic. Here’s where to get it: Web Traffic Fuel.
Until next time…
Joe Blow
5. Send a Text Interview
There are two ways to conduct an interview.
One way is by email, in which case you just send the completed interview to your readers. You can also do a verbal interview – such as on the phone – and then send the polished transcripts to your readers.
The second factor to consider is who’s the interviewer and who’s the interviewee. Specifically:
- Someone interviews you. This is a great way to establish credibility, because it establishes you as the expert.
- You interview someone else. This is a good way to provide fresh content from an expert. If you sell affiliate products, you can even interview a product vendor (and then use your affiliate link every time you mention the product).
If the interview is short, you can copy it directly into your email message. Otherwise, you may want to link to a downloadable .PDF, or maybe even post it on your blog.
Just as with the free report, you can promote an offer from within the interview. Optionally, you may also do it from within the email you send to subscribers.
Let me give you one example of how to do this…
Subject: I spilled my guts about how to get free traffic…
Hi [name],
Last week I did an interview with marketing expert Joe Blow. Maybe he slipped some truth serum to me, because I revealed some of my best-kept free traffic secrets.
You can pick up the interview for free and discover these traffic secret by clicking here. Do it now – you might be surprised.
Joe Blow
P.S. Would you like full and uncensored access to all of my best free-traffic ideas? Then go to Web Traffic Fuel.
6. Compile Your Blog’s “Greatest Hits”
If you’ve maintained a blog for some time, then you no doubt have a collection of at least three to ten posts that are really useful and popular with your readers.
You can do a great service for your email subscribers by listing them all in one place. You can then promote offers from within these blog posts or from within your actual email.
For example…
Subject: Three Secrets to My Success
Hi [name],
I’ve shared a lot of tips and tricks with my readers both in this newsletter as well as on my blog. But there are three blog posts that stand out in particular. I consider these some of my most useful and popular posts. These are my “Greatest Hits” if you will…
1. The $1 Way to Make Money: This is making money online, simplified, to two core concepts. Check it out.
2. 52 PLR Streams of Income: Running ideas for what to do with your PLR content? Here are 52 – enough to keep you busy doing one a week for an entire year!
3. An Inspiring Story – 10 Years Online: I didn’t always lead this lifestyle. I wasn’t an instant success in life. I used to be in debt – and worried. Perhaps just like you.
See you next time!
Joe Blow
P.S. I’ve also assembled my “greatest hits” of traffic secrets all in one place. Check them out here: Web Traffic Fuel.
7. Give Access to a Video
A video is another freebie you can offer to your subscribers. And just as with the other freebies, you can promote offers from within the video as well as within the email you send, if you’d like.
Let me give you two examples of what kind of content to offer in a video:
- You run a dog training site. You can offer a step-by-step video that shows how to teach a dog to heel.
- You publish a gardening newsletter. You can offer a video that shows people how to create a raised garden bed.
Now let me give you an example of the email you’d send. Notice how this example stirs up curiosity so that people watch the video…
Subject: Shocking Free Traffic Secret Revealed
Hi [name],
This traffic trick is so new that no one’s talking about it yet – and hardly anyone even knows about it, much less uses it. But today I’m letting the cat out of the bag so that you can start enjoying all the traffic it brings.
Check out this free video: [link to a YouTube video].
Let me know how it works for you.
Joe Blow
P.S. Want to discover more ways to get red-hot, targeted traffic? Check this out: Web Traffic Fuel.
8. Link to a Free Audio
This free audio could be a podcast, where you explain how to do something. Or this free audio could be an interview – either where you interviewed an expert, or someone else interviewed you.
As usual, the key is to present benefits and/or drum up curiosity so that your newsletter readers actually listen to your audio. Let me give you an example…
Subject: What’s the deal with rebrandable reports?
Hi [name],
Ever seen those reports that get spread across a niche like a prairie wildfire? Ever wished you knew the secrets of creating these kinds of reports for yourself?
Now you can discover these secrets and more, for free, by listening to my new podcast by clicking here.
It’s just 10 minutes long – but it’s the best 10 minutes you’ll invest in yourself all week.
Joe Blow
P.S. If you like learning about how to get free, targeted traffic to your site, then you’ll love this: Web Traffic Fuel.
9. Create a FAQ
Have you ever noticed that the same questions come up repeatedly in your niche? Now you can help your subscribers by compiling a FAQ – a list of frequently asked questions – and answering these questions.
What sort of questions should you include? These:
- The ones that pop up repeatedly on niche forums.
- The topics that get a lot of buzz on niche blogs.
- The questions people ask on Yahoo! Answers.
- The questions people ask you on your blog and via email.
Then you can compile a list of questions and answer them in a 500 to 1000 word article. If you have even more questions, you can split your article up and send it out over multiple days.
Let me give you an example…
Subject: Your Frequently Asked Traffic Questions… Answered
Hi [name],
If I had a nickel every time someone asked me a question about how to get traffic, I’d be a millionaire. Indeed, I see these same questions in my inbox and across the niche on a daily basis. Maybe you have the same questions. Here are your answers…
– What do you mean by “targeted” traffic?
All traffic is not created equal. Just as you wouldn’t try to sell t-shirts in a nudist colony, it doesn’t make much sense to put your dog-training offers in front of quilting enthusiasts. The key to good advertising is to put your ad in front of targeted prospects – these are members of your niche who’re eager and willing to buy what you’re selling.
– What’s better: A Facebook personal account or a FB Page?
If you’re already using your personal account for personal stuff (like sharing news and photos with friends), then keep it private. Instead, set up a Facebook Page. Not only does it make you look more professional, the content is also crawled by Google and other search engines.
– Which is better: PPC or SEO?
Which is better depends on your needs. PPC (pay per click) marketing is a good way to get fast traffic. But, of course, you have to pay to play – so you better have a good sales system already in place. SEO (search engine optimization) is free, but it can take time to see noticeable results.
My suggestion? Use both as part of your overall marketing strategy.
– How do you outwit Google?
Forget about outwitting Google or any other third-party platform. Instead, focus on creating good content, which will naturally get you traffic and backlinks. This means creating content that your readers enjoy.
Secondly, diversify. If one of your traffic sources dries up, you’ll still have plenty of traffic coming in if you’ve implemented a diversified advertising strategy.
– What’s the best way to get free traffic?
There is no single “best” way, as it depends on what you’re selling, your needs, your skills, etc. However, even if there was a single “best” way, I wouldn’t recommend it. That’s because you need to diversify your traffic strategies.
So here’s what I recommend instead: Create a strategy based on at least six to twelve of the most powerful free traffic strategies. You can learn them here: Web Traffic Fuel.
Joe Blow
P.S. I’m serious when I say diversification is the key. People who rely on one traffic source (such as Google) have been known to get wiped out overnight. Don’t let that happen to you. Get a Traffic Fuel membership today to protect yourself.
10. Share an Opinion
The key to making this particular email successful is to share an opinion on a popular topic, especially a controversy. Just be sure that the controversy is a long-standing, evergreen topic – otherwise your email will appear outdated.
Here’s an abbreviated example…
Subject: Should you dump your long sales letters?
Hi [name],
Have you seen the heated debates on forums and blogs? Seems like every time you turn around there’s another discussion popping up about whether to use long sales letters or short sales letters.
And wow, do people get passionate about their stance. I’m talking about people on both sides of the issue – otherwise rational people – who’re suddenly jumping up and down, turning red in the face and stomping their feet over this issue.
You know what I say? Calm down. Because the answer is ridiculously easy…
Test it for yourself.
I know that’s just what I’ve done. Sometimes I end up with long sales letters. Sometimes I end up with short sales letters. And sometimes I end up with medium sales letters, like this one: Web Traffic Fuel.
But the key is that I test it for myself. Brilliantly simple, right? And yet wildly profitable.
Joe Blow
P.S. The next time you see people throwing a fit over this issue, tell them that the only way to know for certain is to test. And don’t rely on anyone else’s results, because it all depends on your niche and your offer.
11. Suggest a Twist
Since you’re creating evergreen content, you’re mainly sharing “tried and true” information.
However, one trick to impressing your readers is to share a twist on these classic strategies. That is, show your readers a new way of using a tool or idea.
Example: You can tell a list of bodybuilders how to use their barbellset to get a cardio workout (as most bodybuilders move heavy weights very slowly, not for cardio purposes). It’s not a groundbreaking twist, but it’s showing people a way to use their equipment in a new way.
Let me give you another short example…
Subject: A neat way to use PLR to drive traffic
Hi [name],
If you’re like a lot of marketers, you’re already using PLR (private label rights) content in your business. And you probably use it in a variety of ways to drive traffic to your site, including:
- Optimizing it for the search engines and then publishing it on your blog.
- Putting it on sites like
- Using it as “bait” to build a mailing list.
And more.
Now let me share with you an idea you may not have thought of. This is a way to generate leads and get some fresh traffic to your site from a different source.
How? By burning the content onto a CD and selling it on eBay. This is a great way to instantly build a list of buyers.
Naturally, you can include links to your site within the actual content. But even better, you can also include a flyer in the shipment where you advertise a specific offer.
Joe Blow
P.S. Need even more fresh ideas for getting targeted traffic to your website? Check this out: Web Traffic Fuel.
12. Send a Checklist
A checklist is another one of those useful (yet incomplete) freebies that you can send to your readers. If the checklist is short, you can include it directly in your message. Otherwise, you can send it via a printable .PDF.
- Send writers a checklist of how to research, outline and write an article.
- Send dog lovers a checklist of what to look for when they’re shopping around for a new dog or puppy.
- Send job seekers a checklist of how to prepare for a job interview.
Let me give you another example…
Subject: Use this handy checklist to find a good JV partner…
Hi [name],
Working with one or more JV (joint venture) partners is a great way to create products, drive traffic and get more sales. But this is only true if you’re working with a reputable partner. When in doubt, use my personal checklist to make sure you’re dealing with honest professionals…
– JV Partner Checklist
Did someone you know and trust recommend this person?
Has this person been in business for at least six months (preferably a year or longer)?
Did you run a Google search for:
- This person’s name?
- His products?
- His website?
- His business name?
- His email addresses?
- Other identifiers, such as his phone number?
Did your search reveal any of the following:
- Slow or no refunds, despite a stated refund policy?
- Slow or no payment to affiliates?
- Customer service complaints?
- Complaints about poor-quality products?
- Other customer complaints?
- Other complaints from business associates?
- Serious allegations such as fraud or deceptive business practices?
Yes, it takes a little time upfront to do this research, but it’s well worth it in the long run to ensure that you only associate your name with other reputable, honest business people.
Joe Blow
P.S. Of course a joint venture partnership is just one of many ways you can use to get free traffic to your website. Discover the other free-traffic strategies here: Web Traffic Fuel.
13. Create a Mind Map
A mind map is a different way of presenting and organizing information. Rather than presenting information in a linear format (like this report), you can offer it via a mind map.
This is where you start with an idea in the middle of the map, and then create “branches” out from that central idea.
Each branch can have its own branch. Thus at a quick glance it gives the reader an overview of an idea or process, plus it helps you see how all the topics are connected.
Tip: Want to create your own mind map? You can use a tool like www.mindjet.comor any number of similar tools available online (both free and paid).
Here’s an example…
Subject: Here’s your free traffic strategy…
Hi [name],
I’ve told you before that the key to creating a great traffic strategy is to diversify.
Except when you start reading about all the traffic methods and thinking about all the steps you need to do to implement the strategy, it can get a little overwhelming.
Not anymore!
That’s because I created a mind map which gives you an overview of the best free traffic strategies. Click here to check out.
Be sure to print it off and hang it on the wall by your computer. It’s a great tool for staying focused!
Joe Blow
P.S. If you need in-depth instructions for how to fully apply these traffic methods, then you need to become a member of Web Traffic Fuel today.
14. Offer Other Free Tools or Resources
Some of the tools you’ve learned about – like checklists and mind maps – are great gifts to give your subscribers… but they’re not the only tools you can offer.
You can build trust with your subscribers by offering them tools such as:
- Spreadsheets.
Example: Offer dieters a spreadsheet to help track their progress.
- WordPress themes and plugins. These are great tools for online marketers and other bloggers.
- Software and apps. Lots of uses here.
Example: Offer an app that locates the best discounts for your niche.
Here’s an example of how to offer your freebie while promoting a product…
Subject: Free Sharp-Looking WP Theme…
Hi [name],
When I first started blogging, I spent countless hours looking for the perfect WordPress theme. I wanted one that was flexible, easy to tweak, optimized for the search engines and compatible with the best WordPress plugins.
You know what?
That kind of theme didn’t seem to exist – so I hired a top developer and designer to create it for me. And now you can use this theme for free by clicking:
[link to your theme]
Joe Blow
P.S. Now that your design problems are solved, it’s time to tackle one of your biggest problems: Getting traffic. No worries, I have the solution for that too: Web Traffic Fuel. Check it out, you won’t be disappointed.
15. Reveal Your Blueprint or System
There’s something you know how to do that many of your subscribers don’t.
It’s something they struggle with. And maybe they just need a clear blueprint or system so that they can start enjoying results, too.
That’s where this type of email comes in – here you offer a strategy, blueprint or system to help your subscribers evaluate something, complete a process, streamline a process, or otherwise find success.
For example…
Subject: Swipe my Web Traffic F.U.E.L. system…
Hi [name],
Seems like every other day someone is introducing a “new” way to get traffic. And if you’re like most people, you jump into research mode to see if this new product or strategy is all it’s cracked up to be.
You know how I decide if a traffic strategy or product is any good? I analyze it using my four-point Web Traffic F.U.E.L. system. Here are the four points:
Free: The first criteria is simple: the traffic is free.
Understandable: The second issue is that the traffic strategy is understandable. If I don’t know where the traffic is coming from, or if I don’t understand how any of it works, I don’t want to dabble with it. There are too many unknowns that could get me in trouble later.
Effective: This third factor is that the strategy or product needs to be effective. In other words, it has to work. And that usually means it needs to produce targeted traffic. Too many strategies over the years (like “start page” site or “free for all” sites) produce untargeted traffic that’s basically worthless.
Lasting: The fourth factor is that the traffic strategy needs to last. It needs to be time tested. If someone is tell me I need to “hurry up” and try the strategy before everyone else knows about it – meaning the strategy or product becomes ineffective if too many people use it – that’s not something I want as part of my marketing toolkit.
There you have it – the four-point Web Traffic F.U.E.L. system for evaluating new traffic strategies. If you’d rather skip the analysis and just go straight to the strategies that actually work, then go to Web Traffic Fuel.
Joe Blow
16. Give Access to a Private Forum
The key here is the word “private”. That’s because you want your subscribers to feel special, like they’re members of an exclusive club (and they are).
So you tell them how to join a special forum where you do things like:
- Share tips you don’t reveal anywhere else.
- Give access to blueprints, tools and other freebies.
- Offer support and some coaching.
Here’s an example of the email you might send…
Subject: Free access to a private forum (for a limited time)…
Hi [name],
Heads up…
I’m thinking about adding a private forum membership as a bonus for anyone who becomes a member of Web Traffic Fuel. Inside this forum I’ll personally share some of my best traffic tips and tricks.
But before I can do that, I need to get a few enthusiastic members into the forum to interact and ask questions. That’s where you come in.
For the next 48 hours, I’m offering a 100% free membership into the forum just for asking. All you have to do is click here to get started.
If you don’t act now, you can still get in later – you’ll just need to become a member of Web Traffic Fuel first. It’s a great deal either way, but it’s totally free if you act today.
Joe Blow
P.S. See you on the inside!
17. Show How to Use a Product
This email is a great way to promote a product. And that’s because the idea here is to show your readers how to get the most out a product. You can show them how to use a product in a new way. Or you can just show them tips and tricks for getting the most benefit out of the product.
You can certain present this information via a text-based description (either in your email or as a downloadable .PDF). However, whenever possible or applicable, use a video to really demonstrate how to use the product.
For example…
Subject: How to Use Market Samurai
Hi [Name],
You’ve probably heard me talking about Market Samurai and the unique way I use it in combination with a Google search to uncover hundreds of little-known niches. But I’ve never shared my exact strategy – until today.
Click here to see a free five minute video that shows you my three best Market Samurai tips and tricks – I think you’re going to be surprised!
Joe Blow
P.S. So what do you do once you find all those red-hot niches? Build sites around them. And then start sending traffic to them using Web Traffic Fuel.
18. Compile Your Top Resources
No matter what niche you’re working in, you probably have a tried-and-true list of trusted resources that you use to do niche tasks. This list no doubt includes both free and paid resources.
- Bodybuilders have a list of supplements and sources of information they use regularly to improve their bodies.
- Gardening enthusiasts need everything from seed sources to blogs which offer tips and tricks.
Here’s another example…
Subject: The Best Tools Every IMer Ought to Use…
Hi [name],
If you’re an online marketer, then you know that it’s important to put the right tools and resources in your business toolkit.
That’s why I’m going to share with you my top tools and resources
* Domain names: There are a lot of domain registrars floating out there. But some of them have bad reputations for shooting first and asking questions later. That’s why I suggest you stick with
* Web hosting: Same goes for web hosting – you need to find a reputable company who’ll work with you and not against you. I suggest you use
* Blogging: Need a good, flexible and free blog platform? Then check out
* Outsourcing: Need someone to write content, create your graphics or any other number of tasks? Then try or
* Traffic: I like getting free traffic. And that’s why I recommend Web Traffic Fuel.
Let me know your favorite resources!
Joe Blow
19. Send a Teaser Post
While we’ve been talking about mainly informational articles to send to your newsletter list, now we’re going to turn our attention to articles that are more directly promotional. And the first one is the “teaser” post.
Just as the name suggests, the teaser post teases your readers, usually about an upcoming product launch. It drops hints about the product. It touts the benefits of the offer. It arouses curiosity.
Let me give you an example…
Subject: It’s coming in two days…
Hi [name],
You’re just 48 hours away from getting the opportunity to change the entire course of your business.
If you’re struggling to get traffic, you’ll want to listen up. If you have a small advertising budget, you’ll want to pull your chair even closer. That’s because in two days you’re going to lay your eyes on a membership site that will teach you a new traffic strategy every month.
Best of all, every single one of these strategies gets hordes of targeted traffic to your site… for free.
No more blowing through your entire ad budget just to get a few clicks. No more wasted money on untargeted traffic. No more endless tweaking, trying to find an ad buy that will create a return on your investment.
Because now the only thing you need to invest in is YOU. And in two days you’ll get that chance. Talk soon…
Joe Blow
P.S. Need a sneak peek? Check this out: Web Traffic Fuel.
20. Create a “Reasons Why” Post
Here’s another directly promotional article, because you actually tell your readers the reasons why they should buy a product.
Hint: Any time you’re selling anything, your prospects will have objections. These are reasons why they think they should NOT buy your product. You can use this article to raise and then handle those objections, which allows you to smoothly close the sale.
Here’s an example…
Subject: The TRUTH about Web Traffic Fuel…
Hi [name],
The blogs are lighting up. The gurus are raving. And the forums are buzzing with the news about Web Traffic Fuel.
Maybe all the buzz has your curious. Is it worth it? Should you buy it? My answer is yes to both questions. And here are three good reasons for you to get it TODAY…
Reason 1: These are FREE traffic strategies.
I don’t know about you, but I shed a tear every time I watch my ad budget get drained without seeing much in the way of results. That’s what I like about Web Traffic Fuel – you learn about totally free strategies. No deep pockets required to get started today!
Reason 2: These strategies work for ANY niche.
Have you ever seen those reports that talk about doing things like advertising on the Warrior Forum? Sure, that’s great if you sell to online marketers. But what if you sell to golfers, homeschooling moms or dieters?
That’s where Web Traffic Fuel comes in. These strategies work in ANY niche, no matter what you’re selling. Check it out for yourself to see what I mean.
Reason 3: Web Traffic Fuel is a steal (especially today).
If you started up an AdWords campaign today, you’d probably need to start with a $50 training guide and a $500 advertising budget. And you might blow through the first $500 without seeing any results.
That’s where Web Traffic Fuel is different. The strategies are free. And the training guides and your membership is just $20 per month. Not per day, not per week – per month. That’s a large pizza and some Cokes – total bargain.
But that bargain might not last long, so go to Web Traffic Fuel to lock in this low membership price.
See you inside!
Joe Blow
P.S. You’ll love Web Traffic Fuel – guaranteed! Give it a try, and if it’s not everything I’ve promised, then you’ll get your money back… no quibbles and no questions!
21. Offer a Discount
If you’re selling your own products, then you can easily arrange for a discount for your newsletter subscribers. But even if you’re selling an affiliate offer, you can often arrange a special discount with the vendor, exclusive only to your subscribers.
Note: If you do arrange a discount with a vendor, keep in mind that it’s going to need to be a permanent, ongoing discount. Since this is an evergreen autoresponder series, you can’t offer a “limited time” discount.
Here’s an example…
Subject: Special subscriber-only offer…
Hi [name],
Do you need more traffic?
Silly question, I know. If you’re selling anything online, then you just about always need more traffic.
More traffic = more customers = more money in the bank.
But the problem is, you don’t have deep pockets or a big advertising budget (yet). And so you can’t just dig into your bank account or tap into a huge line of credit to buy advertising and traffic. You need to look for low-cost alternatives. Better yet, you need FREE traffic that converts like crazy.
Sound good? Then you need Web Traffic Fuel. And if you join now, you can also take advantage of a [X%] off discount by using coupon [insert coupon code].
Once in, you’ll start discovering the secrets of tapping into some of the most responsive traffic streams online. And your bank account will thank you, because you won’t have to pay a cent for any of your advertising.
So join now Web Traffic Fuel. See you inside!
Joe Blow
P.S. Please don’t share the coupon code – this is an exclusive offer just for my subscribers.
22. Extend a Bonus Product
This email is similar to the last one, except here you’re giving a bonus product to any subscribers who purchase your main offer.
The key to making this email really work for you is to make sure the bonus product is desirable, valuable, and tightly related to your main offer.
Indeed, if the bonus product actually enhances the enjoyment or benefits of the main product, that’s even better. But either way, the point is to offer something your subscribers really want, which will help them push the “buy now” button on the main offer.
- You’re promoting a fly fishing book. You can offer a bonus set of videos that shows people how to tie the flies and cast the line.
- You’re promoting a book about blogging. You can offer a free set of blog themes to anyone who purchases the blogging course.
Here’s a (fictional) example…
Subject: Get The World’s Greatest Traffic Secret… for FREE?
Hi [name],
Have you heard about The World’s Greatest Traffic Secret?
If not, just search any blog or forum. Check out YouTube. Ask your friends on Facebook about it. I guarantee you’ll hear good things about this exciting report, because people can’t say enough good things about it.
That’s because this report reveals a little-known way to bring in an amazing amount of traffic in just 48 hours. It works in any niche. It works for any product. And it will work for you too.
Best of all, this exciting report is yours FREE when you join Web Traffic Fuel today. You won’t find a better reason to join than this, so don’t delay!
See you inside!
Joe Blow
P.S. I absolutely recommend that you get yourself a copy of The World’s Greatest Secret – so why not get a free copy by joining Web Traffic Fuel. This is a great deal!
23. Create a Bonus Service
Same idea here as the last one, except in this case you’re creating a bonus service.
- You’re selling a course about how to get into college. You can offer a college application essay critique.
- You’re selling a dieting program. You can offer a free personal dieting consultation to anyone who purchases the product.
A warning here: Unless you have some sort of automated (hands-free) service, this is a bonus that’s going to actually take time out of your schedule. Thus it may not be worth it to offer this type of bonus for an inexpensive product. If that’s the case, then only offer this bonus on higher-priced products.
Here’s a (fictional) example of an email…
Subject: Free Coaching From Joe Blow?
Hi [name],
You read the subject line right – you can get free coaching from me, a marketing expert who’s been making his living online for 10 years.
Imagine spending 15 minutes on the phone with me. What would you ask? Would you want me to brainstorm niches with you? Would you want me to critique your sales page? Would you want me to go over your business plan with a fine-toothed comb?
The choice is yours. And these 15 minutes could change your business – and change your life.
So how do you get this free coaching? Simple: Just join Web Traffic Fuel today.
Once you’ve been a member for 60 days, you’ll get to spend 15 minutes on the phone with me.
Hope to talk to you soon…
Joe Blow
Note: Again, the above is a fictional example! The offer does NOT exist at this time.
24. Write a Direct Promotion
Earlier you learned about writing a teaser, which is when you whet your prospects’ appetites for an upcoming product launch (or even for an upcoming bonus or discount offer). Now this type of an email is a direct promotion.
This is where you send your subscribers an advertisement with the intention of getting them to buy the product ASAP.
Here’s an example…
Subject: Here’s how to get all the traffic you need…
Hi [name],
The formula is really pretty simple: More traffic = more money. So if you want to pull more money out of your business, then you need to get more traffic.
Simple in theory, yes. But if you’ve ever tried to increase your traffic, then you know it’s not as easy as just flipping a switch.
Sometimes you end up chasing after totally worthless traffic sources. Some get you traffic, but the traffic isn’t targeted. Some sources send targeted traffic, but only in the tiniest of trickles. And sometimes you spend entirely too much money on these sources. Money you definitely could have used to grow your business.
What you need are solid, reliable and proven sources of traffic. You need targeted, responsive visitors who’re going to buy what you’re selling. And ideally you’d like to attract these responsive visitors using free advertising.
Sound good? Then you’re exactly the type of person who’d enjoy being a member of Traffic Fuel.
Traffic Fuel is your source for discovering the best sources of free traffic and free advertising. Each month you’ll learn about a new way to get traffic. And each month you’ll watch your business grow.
Check it out now at Web Traffic Fuel because you deserve more traffic AND more money.
Joe Blow
P.S. Don’t waste any more time or money chasing after advertising that doesn’t work. Get results by joining Web Traffic Fuel today…
25. Provide Testimonials from Satisfied Customers
Your prospects want to believe you. But they also know you’re biased when you tell them about an offer. They know that you’re going to benefit financially if they buy the products and services that you recommend. So while they WANT to believe, there always a tiny bit suspicious and skeptical about the claims you’re making.
That’s where a testimonial comes in. This is where a satisfied customer comes forward and says, “Yes – the claims are true! This is a great product! It really works!”
And now your prospect believes your claims. After all, this neutral third-party has no reason to lie. He gets no benefit from praising your product.
The other advantage of sharing testimonials is that they work as a form of social proof. This is particularly true if you’re able to share several strong testimonials. The prospect thinks, “Wow, all these people bought this product – maybe I should too.”
The key is to only share strong testimonials. Specifically, these are testimonials that talk about how well the product works. These are testimonials that specifically back up your claims. So if you claim your product is easy to use, then share those testimonials that say the product is indeed easy to use.
Let me give you an example…
Subject: Here’s why everyone is raving about Web Traffic Fuel…
Hi [name],
Let me be blunt: Join Web Traffic Fuel today, and over the next several months you’ll discover how to get all the free, targeted traffic you could ever need or want.
I know, it’s a pretty bold claim. And I know you’ve heard me make these sorts of claims before, but maybe you’ve been a little skeptical. The reason I can make these claims is because they’re true – and I have proof.
Just look at what John Smith from New Orleans says about the quality of this traffic:
[Here there would be a testimonial talking about how responsive the traffic is.]
And he’s not the only one who feels this way. Jose and Suzy feel this way too:
[Here would be two more testimonials talking about how responsive the traffic is.]
And then there’s George. George struggled for eight months to get traffic to his site. He used to be ecstatic when he got 20 hits a day. Now he’s getting 20 visitors every hour – and it’s growing every month! But don’t take my word for it – read it in George’s own words:
[Here you’d insert a testimonial that reflects what was said above.]
Listen, when I say these traffic strategies work, I’m not kidding. There are hundreds of other satisfied customers who’re raving about Web Traffic Fuel. They’re loving all the traffic they’re getting. And they’re enjoying watching their businesses explode before their eyes.
It’s time for you to join them. So go to Web Traffic Fuel to see for yourself what everyone is raving about.
Joe Blow
P.S. You can see even more testimonials from people just like you by going to Web Traffic Fuel.
26. Share a Case Study
Here’s another form of social proof. But instead of merely sharing a customer’s words of praise, you share his actual results.
- You’d track a person for two months as they used your dieting program. Then you’d share before and after weights, measurements and photos to prove your product worked.
- You show the before and after photos as well as the story of a customer who used your “do it yourself” book to remodel his kitchen.
Here’s another (fictional) example…
Subject: Russ couldn’t believe his eyes…
Hi [name],
Russ joined Web Traffic Fuel exactly 42 days ago. And he still can’t believe how fast his business grew in these first six weeks.
You see, Russ never had more than a trickle of traffic coming to his site over the last two years. Seems like nothing he tried ever worked. And he found himself wasting a lot of money and time on traffic sources that didn’t produce results.
Then he stumbled on Web Traffic Fuel – and he couldn’t believe his eyes. Here’s what his traffic logs looked like the day before he found Web Traffic Fuel:
[Here there would be a screenshot depicting poor results.]
Here’s what his traffic logs looked like two weeks after joining Web Traffic Fuel:
Here’s what happened after just four short weeks:
And – brace yourself – here are his traffic logs six weeks after joining:
Best of all, this is targeted traffic. Not only did Russ enjoy watching his traffic grow, he also saw his business grown from $122 per month to $2199!
Join Russ and countless others by joining Web Traffic Fuel today – and just imagine how your business will transform in 42 days!
Joe Blow
P.S. Russ says Web Traffic Fuel is the best investment he ever made in himself. It can be your best investment too when you join today!
27. Do a Product Review
Let me be clear about this upfront: When you do a product review, you should share both the strengths and weaknesses of the product you’re reviewing.
That’s because your prospect knows there’s no such thing as a perfect product. So if you don’t mention the perceived flaws, your prospects will think you’re hiding something. They’ll view you as dishonest. And when that happens, they won’t buy what you’re selling.
So let me give you a short example of a product review, one that hits both the strengths and weaknesses of the offer…
Subject: Don’t even think of buying Web Traffic Fuel until you read this…
Hi [name],
You’ve probably heard people talking about Web Traffic Fuel. But there’s so much buzz that it’s hard to separate the truth from the hype. That’s why I wanted to share with you my honest review…
It’s true, Web Traffic Fuel isn’t for everyone. I’ll share with you in just a minute if you’re one of the folks who shouldn’t buy it. But first, let me hit the high points…
Web Traffic Fuel is a monthly membership site from Joe Blow, where you’ll learn about a new traffic strategy every month. Here are the best parts of this offer:
- You don’t get overwhelmed. You learn about one strategy each month, so that leaves you the rest of the month to work on implementing the strategy.
- These are proven strategies. No untested theory, nothing blackhat, nothing even remotely shady. Best of all, these strategies work in any niche.
- You’ll learn from an expert. This isn’t some rehashed information. These strategies come directly from Joe Blow, who has made his living online for the last 10 years.
- It’s extremely affordable (surprisingly so). I’ve seen memberships of this level cost two or three times as much, so this is a bargain.
However, as mentioned, this membership isn’t for everyone. There are downsides:
- No videos. If you prefer learning from video, you’ll be disappointed. But the text manuals are meaty and well-written, so the site certainly isn’t lacking for good, solid information.
- Limited to free traffic strategies. You won’t learn about how to use AdWords or media buys here, so the content is limited in that regard. But if you don’t want to spend money on traffic, the this is actually a plus for you.
So what’s my conclusion?
Join Web Traffic Fuel. The membership’s site benefits thoroughly outweigh its downsides, so it’s a great choice for anyone who needs more traffic.
[Reviewer’s name]
P.S. I almost forgot: If you don’t love your membership, you get your money back – so try it out risk-free today at Web Traffic Fuel!
Whew – you just discovered 27 different types of emails you can send to your list. You’ll never run out of content ideas again! That’s because you can use each of these 27 ideas multiple times by sharing different strategies and different offers.
Now let’s wrap things up…
Congratulations – you now know how to stock your autoresponder with dozens of different types of messages, content and offers! And that means you now know how to get your subscribers to buy from you again and again!
Just remember your dual goal:
- Build a relationship with your subscribers. You do this by being an honest newsletter publisher who offers solid, trustworthy content and recommendations.
- Promote offers. You can slip a link into just about any type of email you send. As you discovered, you can do soft-promotions where you include a link almost as an afterthought in your email. Or you can do a hard-sell occasionally, where you send out a direct promotion.
But of course you’re not going to make money just because you now know how to stock your autoresponder with 27 different types of emails.
You need to actually create and upload these emails. And I suggest you do so starting today! So commit to writing at least one email today and one every day for the next month. Then get set to watch your business grow the hands-free way!