It’s always been said that having a book – in print not just Kindle – is one of the best ways to create instant credibility. And you know what? I agree 110%!!
Since 2009 I have written and published several books. Some under my own name and were Amazon Best Sellers and some under alias names for niche markets. All of them are top quality and provide me with instant credibility. In fact, when I hand someone one of my books you should see the look on their face! It’s like they totally view me in a completely different way.
Here’s a picture of me holding my soon-to-be released print Workbook for the Client Getting P.L.A.N. When I handed this to a client of mine he was so fired up that he couldn’t help but show his amazement with me. He also proceeded to ask me several questions about helping him publish his own book!
And that’s the reason for this post today. I want to see if having a print book for your business would be as important to you as it is to me.
To do that I ask that you complete this short survey. As you can see it is only a few questions long and will take less than a minute.
Thank you in advance for your help!
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