1. 20 Prehead Templates
You’ll discover how to shock your readers, tap into their hidden desires, arouse their curiosity and much more. These pre-headline templates set the hook so you can start reeling in your prospects!
2. 30 Headline Templates
These headlines work like sticky traps that glue your prospects to your sales letter! Whether you want to scare your prospects, surprise them, delight them or get them drooling over your offer, you’ll get the perfect template for the job!
3. 20 Posthead Templates
You’ll find out how to start crushing your prospects’ objections, whet their appetites, create urgency around your offer and much more!
4. 20 Ways to Open Your Letter
You think thriller novels pin readers to the edge of their seats? Just wait till you see these templates for telling stories, tapping into your prospect’s past hurts, making the prospect feel special and other surefire ways to engage your readers and keep their eyeballs on your letter!
5. 15 Ways to Introduce an Offer
Sure, you can just directly say “here’s my product and here’s what it will do for you.” Or you can use these templates share a secret discovery, establish your credibility, prove your case or even spike your prospect’s curiosity!
6. 15 Ways to Offer Proof
You can use screenshots, videos, endorsements and much, much more to melt your skeptics’ resistance and get them urgently hitting your “buy now” button!
7. 50 Fill-In-The-Blank Bullet Points
These are the mouthwatering parts of your sales letter that turn a lukewarm prospect into a rabid, frothing-at-the- mouth customer who needs to get their hands on your offer now. These bullet points will arouse curiosity, share benefits and hit all of your prospects’ emotional triggers with ease!
8. 15 Ways to Call the Prospect to Action
Here you’ll discover how to call your prospect to action by reversing risk, justifying the price, creating a sense of urgency and other irresistible methods for closing the sale!
9. 15 Ways to Express a Guarantee
You’ll get a full set of templates, including guarantees you’ve never even knew existed, like hybrid guarantees, exceptionally compelling guarantees and much more. Reverse the risk and watch your conversion rate soar!
10. 15 P.S. Templates
Your postscript is one of the most-read parts of your entire letter – and that means your P.S. can literally make or break your offer’s success! That’s why you’ll love using these surefire templates that close the sale by reminding prospects of the benefits, offering a special bonus, tapping the “fear” button and much more!
11. 15 Subheadline Templates
The dream is that every prospect reads every word of your letter. The reality is that a large chunk of your prospects are going to skim your letter. That’s why you’ll want to use these enticing sub-headlines to drop their jaws and get them moving towards your order button, fast!
12. 10 Day Copywriting Challenge
This is your crash course in creating cash-pulling copy! Let’s start with day #1…