There are so many different “kinds” of small reports that you can write and when you mix-n-match them with different “topics”, you can create dozens upon dozens of highly desirable resources to sell online.
This short report will examine twenty-seven different “kinds” of small reports (along with examples) that you can create. Use this list to brainstorm ideas for your next small report (and all those to follow!)…
1. How-To Tutorial
Our index begins with the classic “how-to” tutorial. This style of report is organized in a systematic, step-by-step approach to accomplishing a task. The steps are most commonly organized in chronological order. (I.E. Step One is…, Step Two is…, etc.). These are generally known as “systems”, “formulas”, “checklists” or “blueprints”.
A few examples include –
1) How to Design a Web Page in 5 Easy Steps
2) How to Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Days
3) How to Meet The Woman Of Your Dreams
4) How to Make Your First $1,000 Online
5) How to Teach A Sunday School Class
6) How to Make a Small Fortune Online With Small Reports
(Sound Familiar? )
2. Frequently Asked Questions
Another style of report is what I’ve labeled, “frequently asked questions”. In this model, you would take 10-20 of the most asked questions about a particular topic and answer them in your content. This is one of the easiest kinds of small reports to create because outlining is simple due to the Q&A style:
1. List the question.
2. Answer it.
While you’ll want create a better title than the ones below, here are just a few ideas for how this kind of small report might be created –
7) Top 20 Questions About Home-schooling
8) Top 20 Questions About Generating Site Traffic
9) Top 20 Questions About Saving A Marriage
10)Top 20 Questions About Adopting A Child
11)Top 20 Questions About Starting A Membership Site
12)Top 20 Questions About Self-Publishing
3. Interview
Moving from questions that YOU answer to questions that SOMEONE ELSE answers is another way to write a small report. An “interview” small report is, not surprisingly, a series of questions that you pose to one or more qualified experts to create the content you’ll be selling.
(Reasons why experts would do this for you include: free publicity for their web site or business, rights to the completed report or paid compensation.)
Again, these aren’t “titles” for your small report, but these are some things you might do for a handful of different topics –
13) Ask a fitness trainer questions about weight loss.
14) Ask a charity chairman questions about fundraising.
15) Ask a travel agent questions about discount travel.
16) Ask a loan officer questions about securing a mortgage.
17) Ask a real estate broker questions about selling/buying a
4. List
Another very popular kind of small report is what I’ve labeled the “list”. It is simply a listing of ways, strategies, tips, secrets, tactics, techniques, habits, exercises, principles, etc. with a detailed description of each entry to the list.
Some examples of this kind of small report include –
18) 7 Ways To Automatically Burn More Calories
19) 5 Little Known Weight Loss Strategies
20) 50 Email Marketing Best Practices
21) The 3 “Advantages” You Need To Beat Your Tennis Rivals
22) Top 10 Time Management Tips You’ve NEVER Been Told
5. Case Study
Next on our list of “types” of small reports is the “case study” model. This would consist of you profiling different successful examples of accomplishing a common task. In other words, you’d show how several different people (including or not including yourself) have achieved the desired result. The great thing about this kind of small report is the variety of different methods people use in attaining similar results. Your readers will likely “connect” with one or more of the examples and get a sense of motivation and empowerment to reach their goal as well. Bottom line: you’ve got a satisfied customer.
A few examples include (these are ideas, not titles) –
23) Learn How 7 Stay-At-Home Moms Each Lost 20 Pounds
24) The Machine Weight Workouts of 7 Top Fitness Trainers
25) Outreach Program Plans of the 10 Fastest Growing Churches
26) 10 Affiliate Marketing Campaigns You Can Legally “Steal”
And Use to Promote Any Program You Want
6. Resource Directory
The next kind of small report is the “resource directory”. That is, you would include a group of related entries of resources (usually indexed categorically and then alphabetically) along with their contact information such as web site, phone number and or mailing/physical address.
Note: Several years ago when WIFI access to the Internet was almost non-existent, I wanted to travel more – which meant taking my business on the road. I purchased one of these “resource style” reports online which highlighted different resources available for connecting to the Internet, including a listing of major campgrounds (since I was in an RV this was important to me!) that offered WIFI access. I paid around thirty bucks for the short report … and loved it.
A few examples of this kind of small report would include –
27) The New England Bed And Breakfast Guide
28) The Wholesaler’s Resource Guide for Import
29) The Christian Publisher’s Resource Guide
30) The Product Duplication and Fulfillment Source Book
31) The 101 Most Fun “Kid Friendly” Web Sites
32) The Top 50 Recommended Home-Schooling Resources
7. Idea Generators
Up next we have the “idea generators” style of small report. This particular kind of report is a best described as “a series of prompts to help the reader brainstorm ideas”.
Here are a few different examples –
33) 101 Idea Prompts for Fiction Writers
34) 75 Starter Questions for Small Group Discussion
35) 97 Winning Ad Headlines For Your Salesletter Swipe File
36) 101 Best Prayer Starters For New Christians
37) 101 Fill-In-The-Blank Internet Auction Templates
38) The Ultimate Book of Ideas for Home-Schoolers
8. The First Year
Up next is what I’ve labeled “the first year”. In this kind of small report, you’d walk a newcomer through the first 12 months of a particular endeavor. What beginner standing on the threshold of something completely new to them wouldn’t want the wisdom of what to expect and how to successfully navigate through the foundation period?
You could chronicle the first year with a calendar of milestones and guideposts, pitfalls to avoid, shortcuts to take and so forth.
Some examples are –
39) The First Year of Parenting
40) The First Year of Home-schooling
41) The First Year of College
42) The First Year of Internet Business
43) The First Year of Life After Loss of Loved One
44) The First Year of Teaching
45) The First Year of Youth Ministry
46) The First Year of Living With M.S.
9. Niche Business
One of the biggest mistakes that most “internet marketers” make is trying to create information products to sell to other internet marketers. It’s a cycle that just loops over and over again. Fortunately for you, while everyone else is competing with each other, you have an opportunity to teach “niches” how to market. Instead of selling marketing information to other marketers, teach niche business owners how to market. ALL business owners, regardless of what their business is, need more customers.
Note: What’s interesting about this “kind” of small report is the fact that you can make a few changes and “niche it” for numerous different topics. (I.E. “Bookstore Owner’s Guide to Marketing”, “Real Estate Agent’s Guide to Marketing”, “Hair Salon Owner’s Guide to Marketing”, etc.)
Some examples are –
47) The Christian Bookstore Owner’s Guide To Marketing
48) The Pet Store Owner’s Guide To Marketing
49) The Personal Trainer’s Guide To Getting More Clients
50) How To Quickly And Easily Get More Real Estate Referrals
51) A Crash Course In Free Publicity For Independent Singers
52) A 10-Day Plan For Promoting Your Craft Show
10. The Bridge
I’ve labeled this next kind of small report “the bridge”. The idea is to combine two unrelated topics into one small report. Think of it this way: there are universal wants and needs (I.E. To lose weight and get in shape) that are applicable to virtually ALL markets. Most people want to make more money, be successful, live happily, have great relationships, etc. These are universal pursuits. The idea here is to bring those universal pursuits into the arena of your specific field of interest or expertise.
Some examples are –
53) Time Management For Single Parents
54) The Internet Marketer’s Diet
55) How To Make Money Selling Baseball Cards on Ebay®
56) The Educator’s Guide to Becoming A High-Paid Public Speaker
57) Success Secrets For Small Business Owners
58) The Home-Schoolers Guide To Working At Home
11. Shortcuts
Who among us wouldn’t like to take shortcuts (assuming they don’t have drawbacks) to achieve a desired result faster, easier or better? The short answer is: no one. With this kind of small report you would focus on ways to save time or effort in accomplishing a specific task without sacrificing any benefits or quality.
Some examples are –
59) 17 Money-Saving Shortcuts For Buying A New Home
60) 10 Shortcuts To Mastering Your Golf Game
61) Top 10 Shortcuts For Using Adobe® Photoshop®
62) 5 Simple Shortcuts For Acing The SAT
63) 7 Shortcuts For Planning The Perfect Wedding
64) Shortcuts For Writers: How To Write Faster, Easier and
12. Advanced Guide
To an extent we’ve already talked about focusing your small report on “beginners” (See “The First Year” above), but what about those who have an elevated state of experience or knowledge? There is a huge market for “advanced” information in just about every field. In the internet information age this is especially the case as more and more people have access to basic steps (that have usually been rehashed, restated and repackaged in a thousand different ways!) creating a sort of traffic jam with little higher learning available in many areas.
So, creating a small report focused on providing information for the experienced or advanced user is another great idea.
Note: To create a great one-two punch, why not write a “beginner’s” report on a topic and then create an “advanced” report on the same topic. Then, you are able to “graduate” your beginners to the advanced report after they’ve read the first one.
Some examples are –
65) A Field Guide To Advanced Bird Watching
66) The Advanced Guide To Playing Poker
67) Advanced Affiliate Marketing Strategies
68) Tennis Drills For The Advanced Player
69) 7 Advanced Selling Strategies For The Car Industry
70) Advanced Madden 07® Strategies: How To Beat Anyone,
Anywhere, Anytime!
13. Time Frame
With this kind of small report you would focus most of your “positioning” on the TIME FRAME in which the task can be completed. Everything would be structured towards seeing results within a specific period of time; that would be the selling point. More important than getting results is knowing how long it’s going to take to get those results (assuming it’s not long! ).
Case Study: My friend Jim Edwards did this when he created a course entitled, “How To Write An Ebook In 7 Days”. It was a huge smash hit. There were NUMEROUS courses available at the time that taught how to write ebooks, but his was the first that emphasized a specific time frame. The point: you can sell the same topic to a crowded marketplace if you stress a time period!
Some examples are –
71) How To Make Money Online In 10 Days Or Less
72) The 7-Day Weight Loss Plan
73) Rapid Restoration: Save Your Marriage In The Next 24 Hours
74) The Ultimate Guide To Writing Your Book in 30 Days
75) 21 Days To Breaking Any Habit, Addiction or Weakness
76) How To Sell Your House In 2 Weeks Or Less
14. Personal Profile
What’s more likely to get your attention: an overweight friend who says “I’ve got some great information on losing weight” or a thin friend who used to be overweight who says “let me show you how I lost the weight?” Obviously unless you’re suffering from delirium, the thin friend gets your vote. Why? Because when we see that someone has achieved the results we’d like to achieve, there is credibility.
By creating a small report that reveals and explains how you accomplished a specific task that others want to accomplish you should have an instant hit on your hands. In this kind of small report, simply chronicle what you did.
Some examples are –
77) How I Lost 20 Pounds Without Pills, Potions and Plans
78) How I Made $26,234 In One Week As An Unknown Marketer
79) How I Shaved 10 Strokes Off My Golf Score…And You Can Too!
80) How I Got My First Book Published And Into Bookstores
81) How I Raised $1,000,000 For Our Local Charity
82) How I Beat Cancer Naturally And Safely
15. Planner
Some of my most popular small reports ever have been “planners”. For our purposes, a “planner” is simply a set of activities arranged in a daily schedule as a sort of checklist to work through. Why do people love them? Because it allows them to stay on track. They see a set of action steps to complete for Monday, then Tuesday, then Wednesday and so forth. Most people find it much easier to actually do something when it’s arranged in this kind of order.
Note: This is one of my top recommendations for a small report.
Every small report author should write at least one of these “planners” to sell online.
Some examples are –
83) The 7-Day Checklist For Writing A Small Report
84) The 31-Day Guide To Powerful Prayer
85) The Navy Seal’s 7-Day Ab Workout
86) The 4-Week Wedding Planner And Organizer
87) The Smart Home-Schooler’s Daily Schedule
88) 33 Days To Internet Marketing Success
16. What To Do When
This is another classic example of the “problem / solution” format. It’s just expressed in a different way. The idea here is to inform the reader what they should do when they find themselves facing a specific problem that can still be remedied.
A key is to focus on as specific information as possible in your title.
I.E. It’s not “What To Do When You Want To Lose Weight”, but rather “What To Do When You Want To Lose That Last 5 Pounds”.
Some examples are –
89) What To Do When You Need To Lose That Last 5 Pounds
90) What To Do When You’re Raising A Strong-Willed Child
91) What To Do When Your Spouse Wants A Divorce
92) What To Do When You Worry Too Much
93) What To Do When Someone You Love Is Battling Addiction
94) What To Do When You Can’t Get Pregnant
17. Pop Culture Lessons
This kind of small report is for the creative writer. If you’re not creative, then feel free to move on to #18. The idea here is to share lessons that you’ve gleaned from pop culture. (I.E. Movies, music, lifestyles, fashion, entertainment, cooking, etc.)
One of the reasons why this is usually a very good seller is because of its inherent ability to create curiosity.
- What email marketer wouldn’t want to know Santa Claus’ secrets of list-building?
- What dieter wouldn’t be interested to learn how watching American Idol can help them lose weight?
- What golfer wouldn’t be enticed enough to see what the “Captain Jack Sparrow techniques” are?
The point is, there are built-in opportunities to grab attention (and get sales!) by including pop culture lessons as the focus of your small report.
Some examples are –
95) 3 Word-Of-Mouth Marketing Lessons From The Academy Awards
96) What I Learned From Victoria’s Secret About Wooing Women
97) The American Idol Fan’s Guide To Relationships
98) The Survivor Success Model For Achieving Your Dreams
99) How To Turn “You’re Fired” Into “You’re Hired”
100)Everything I Know About Dieting I Learned From Shrek
18. Current Events Tie-In
Another great idea for your next small report is to tie-in the content to an upcoming holiday or event. The reason this is such an effective report is because it has a natural “urgency” trigger. In other words, the potential customer needs to buy your small report NOW in order to reap the benefits by the imposed deadline (I.E. The date of the event or holiday).
Some examples are –
101) How To Lose 10 Pounds Before Spring Break
102) 17 Ways To Save Money On Christmas Gifts
103) How To Take The Summer Vacation Of Your Dreams … For Free
104) How To Land The Deal Of a Century At This Year’s Convention
105) 10 Ways To Raise Funds Before April 15th
106) The Last-Minute Shopper’s Guide For Planning A Great
19. Save Money
There are two big opportunities that I feel are missing in most “niche” marketing as far as topics for any kind of product (especially “small reports”). I’ll discuss the second one next. For now, I want to mention the category of “save money”. The idea here is to create a small report that teaches the reader how to save money or completely eliminate the cost that is associated with a particular activity.
Think about the appeal of this particular kind of small report –
You’re offering the reader the opportunity
to reduce (sometimes GREATLY reduce) the costs
associated with something they are going to do anyway!
Who wouldn’t pay $10 for your small report if it’s going to save them $20, $50, $100 or even more? Who wouldn’t pay $10 for your small report if it’s going to allow them to reduce their costs EVERY TIME they complete a particular task or participate in a particular activity?
Two words for you: gold mine.
Some examples are –
106) How To Save At Least 25% On Your Grocery Bill
107) How To Take A Cruise Without Spending Any Money
108) 7 “Tricks” For Getting A Homeowner To Lower The Asking
109) How To Buy A New Car Below The Dealer Invoice
110) The Golfer’s Guide To Buying Equipment At Wholesale Prices
111) 5 Sure-Fire Ways To Save Money On Your Home-Schooling
20. Make Money
The other untapped opportunity is teaching people how to “make money” doing something they are already going to do anyway. Who wouldn’t want to make money with their favorite hobby? Who wouldn’t be interested in generating cash doing something they enjoy? Who wouldn’t want to get paid to do something they are already going to do?
Two more words for you: gold mine.
When you find a passion of your target audience and then deliver a small report that teaches them how to make money from that passion, you’re certain to have a hit on your hands.
Some examples are –
112) How To Make Money Selling Baseball Cards On Ebay®
113) How To Make Money Selling Hard To Find Books On Ebay®
114) How To Write An Infoproduct About Lowering Your Golf Score
115) How To Start A Christian Bookstore With Virtually No Budget
116) How To Turn Your Hobby Into An Internet Business
117) How To Publish A Home-Schooling Newsletter For Fun And
21. Faster And Easier
Another kind of small report is what I’ve labeled “faster and easier”. The idea here is to position your report as a resource that reveals information to enable the reader to accomplish some task faster and/or easier than they were previously able to do.
Case Study: There are numerous information based products out there that teach you how to quickly get listed in the search engines. Traditionally, this took weeks even months to accomplish, now it can be done in days and even hours based on techniques shared in some of these courses.
Some examples are –
118) 7 Ways To Get Faster Results From Your Loan Request
119) How To Re-String Your Tennis Racket In Half The time
120) The Easiest Way To Get Traffic To Your Web Site
121) The Easiest Way To Lose 5 Pounds
122) 5 Simple Strategies For Reaching Your Goals Faster
123) How To Skip A Few Rungs As You Climb The Corporate Ladder
22. Barriers And Mistakes
With virtually any pursuit in life there are potential pitfalls and common blunders associated with that pursuit. The old adage is, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” and there is some truth to that. A properly positioned small report highlighting barriers and mistakes (and how to avoid them!) would be another great option for you to consider.
Case Study: Chuck McCullough created an entire product (not just a “small report”) around the concept of common mistakes that affiliate marketers make. It was a hugely popular product upon its release at (I have no affiliation whatsoever, just wanted to mention it as an example.)
Some examples are –
124) 7 Common Mistakes Homebuyers Make … And How To Avoid Them
125) 10 Most Common Chess Mistakes … And How To Fix Them
126) How To Overcome The 7 Barriers That All New Marketers Face
127) The 10 Hidden Barriers To Weight Loss No One Told You About
128) 7 Barriers To Healthy Relationships … And How To Overcome
129) 5 Stupid Things People Do When Trying To Fix Their Finances
Note: Your mini-salesletter is very important for this kind of small report. You’ll want to stress how easy it is to make mistakes and what kind of disadvantage the reader will face if they don’t apply the strategies you share in the small report.
23. Turn Into
It’s almost like magic: take something you’ve already got and turn it into something much more desirable. That’s the idea behind this kind of small report. It’s presented in the classic “how-to” format (I.E. Arranged in chronological steps).
Some examples are –
130) How To Turn 5 Paragraphs Into $500 Month
131) How To Turn Your Hobby Into A Thriving Business
132) How To Turn An Interview Into A Job
133) How To Turn Your Worst Enemy Into Your Best Friend
134) How To Turn Your Worship Service Into An Everyday Lifestyle
135) How To Turn Your Relationship Into A Lifelong Romance
24. The 5-Minute Guide
The concept of “5-minutes” carries several highly desirable elements to it:
(a) relief to a problem can be gained in just a few minutes,
(b) slight changes that bring desirable results can be made in just a few minutes,
(c) an overview “working knowledge” of a process can be learned in just a few minutes.
With so many of life’s activities, we’d like a digest version … we just want to know, in as few words as possible, how to do it. (Why do you think :08 Minute Abs® was so popular!)
Some examples are –
136) The 5-Minute Guide To Relieving Migraines
137) The 5-Minute Guide To Freeing Up Your Time
138) The 5-Minute Guide To Burning Extra Calories
139) The 5-Minute Guide To Using Your Digital Camera
140) The 5-Minute Guide To Influencing Others
141) The 5-Minute Guide To Organizing Your Life
25. Survival
There are times in life when, quite frankly, a solution to a problem isn’t possible. All marriages aren’t reconciled, all finances don’t recover and all heart attacks can’t be avoided. Sometimes difficult times do come and they must be dealt with. In the “survival” type of small report you would teach your readers how to deal with a problem that they cannot avoid.
Some examples are –
142) How To Survive Divorce And Learn To Love Again
143) How To Survive Bankruptcy And Rebound Financially
144) How To Survive A Heart Attack And Live Without Fear
145) How To Survive The Can-Spam Law And Still Profit With Email
146) How To Survive Menopause Without Destroying Your
147) How To Survive A Church Split And Still Lift Up Christ
26. Top Picks
With so much information available (we’ve got more flavors available than a Baskin Robbins® store on steroids! ) it can become difficult knowing what’s best. That’s why a “top picks” kind of small report is another solid idea for you to develop.
Stated simply, you would give your opinion as to what the top picks are within your topic. Obviously, it’s all about your unique sales proposition in selling the content. There’s a big difference between these two small report titles…
- 7 Places To Take Your Spouse In New England
- 7 Romantic New England Getaways Almost No One Knows About
Two words come to mind when I think of this option: Consumer Reports®. They are incredibly popular because people want an unbiased review and recommendation for something they are considering buying.
Some examples are –
148) 7 Romantic New England Getaways Almost No One Knows About
149) How To Spend Your $100 Advertising Budget For Max Results
150) The 3 Best Ways To Increase Your Auction Bids
151) My Top Tips For Getting Traffic To Any Site
152) The Top 10 Ways To Find Anything Using
27. Age Specific
The final idea I want to share for you to consider as an option for your next small report is simply what I’m going to label as “age specific.”
What you would do is develop a small report on a specific topic for a specific age group. Let’s face it, you wouldn’t deal with a toddler the same way you would a teenager. Different ages require different approaches, which makes this a wonderful way for you to nichefy your small report (and, in many cases, continue to “graduate” your customers from one report to the next as they or someone they know continues to grow older).
Some examples are –
153) Your Complete Guide To Home-Schooling Any 3-8 Year Old
154) Soccer Practice Sessions for 8-12 Year Olds
155) How To Retire By Age 35 And Never Work Again
156) The Senior Citizen’s Guide To Starting An Internet Business
157) How To Raise A Strong-Willed Child
158) How To Deal With A Strong-Willed Teenager
Closing Thoughts
So, there you have 27 different ideas for your next small report, along with 158 title topics you can modify for your own use in coming up with an idea for your next small report.
Just as a quick reference, I’m going to insert a section, which shares 7 ways you can find specific ideas about YOUR TOPIC that you can use in conjunction with the different categories we’ve looked at in this report.
- Keep an eye out on Clickbank’s Marketplace. Products that range in the top 5 positions within a particular category are usually selling very well. I’ll give you a quick hint: they wouldn’t be selling well if there wasn’t interest. 🙂 Look for categories in the marketplace that are related to your particular target audience and scan through the top 5-6 products listed. You’re certain to find some great ideas for your small report right there. (And you might even find a great product to promote as your “backend” – more on this in a future lesson). Clickbank’s Marketplace can be found at
- Scan the best-sellers list at Do a search at (in the “books” section) for keywords and phrases that are related to your particular market. (I.E. “weight loss” or “homeschooling” or “golf”) You should find a nice list of books ranked in order of popularity. This is another built-in research spot for you – and loaded with great ideas for your next small report.
- Search in to see what topics your “competition” has created products on. Pay attention to those listed on the first page and those who are advertising in the ads on the right hand side of the screen. These will almost always provide you with numerous ideas for your small report – and can potentially be a great starting point for joint venture partnerships in the future.
- Look in the market-related forums for “Hot-Topics” that might lend themselves to report ideas. There are forums (Aka “message boards”) for just about every market imaginable. Look for discussions at these forums for ideas. Specifically, look for topics where there is a LOT of discussion (I.E. Numerous posted messages and replies). Pay special attention for people who are complaining about problems or limitations that you might be able to provide solutions for in your small report.
- Look in popular article directories for existing interest. Drop by article banks and look at articles related to your market for brainstorming ideas. Pay special attention to the “most viewed” articles as they are a good indicator of which topics are hot and which topics are not.
- Find offline magazines related to your market. Drop by your favorite bookstore or newstand (or visit online) and look at their articles for small report ideas. This is another tremendous way to find great ideas – especially because you get the benefit of THEIR research. They’ve already invested time in deciding WHAT to write about based on their market’s interest. You don’t need to do this kind of research … simply write about what they are writing about!
- Ask subscribers on a mailing list in your market (either your own opt-in list or one that you rent) which topics interest them most. It’s a simple process: (1) Ask your list members what topics interest them the most. (2) Take the topic that gets the most mentions and write your small report about it. Who better to give you ideas about what to write than those who are most likely to buy the small report upon its completion?!
Two of my favorites from this list are and Let me quickly share a couple of additional insights that I recommend you do RIGHT NOW in relation to these two resources.
- Go to the site and type your keyword(s) into the search box upon your arrival. Browse through all the listings. If you use a broad enough search phrase, you should find DOZENS of listings which will almost certainly cover “angles” you’ve never even thought of.
- Visit the site and find the category of listings that is related to your field of interest. Look at the magazines listed in that category and click on the graphical image of the various magazine covers. You’ll see actual covers with REAL featured articles and contents displayed. You should find many solid ideas just looking at the cover pictures.
So, with all of this you should have ample ideas to get started working on your next small report!