How committed are you to your business? Have you created your plan for 2014? A content plan, marketing plan, your income plan?
Or will you wander aimlessly chasing shiny objects and the next big thing?
Am I being harsh? I don’t mean to be. I’ve myself suffered from a lack of planning, not committing myself to what I really want and thinking that every new thing that comes along is the “answer”.
What I’ve realized is that at some point you have to toughen up, get focused and be committed.
This is such a cliche time of year to say these things. But if you don’t start the year by insisting it will the best year ever then there is little chance it will be.
I already have several “Attack Plans” in place for 2014 including but not limited to:
- Consistent Content: over the last couple years I have never really committed to a content schedule. Ex., blog posts, training videos, reports, etc. This year I am committing myself to at least one new, helpful content piece per week.
- Client Getting P.L.A.N.: this product is the best training program I’ve done yet! It is so powerful that the beta testers that have went through it absolutely love it and have gotten fantastic results. If you want an easy way to get as many clients as you want then you’ll want to check this out when GCP is released to the public in February.
- Income Plan: none of your business. 🙂 But I will tell you that my goal is to increase my income by 150%. This will happen because of the additional value I am committed to providing my customers. I will also do more coaching, will launch an affordable mastermind for consultants who are committed (more details on that soon), 2-3 day workshops, new products (ex., Consultant Credibility, Sales Training Weekly, Lead Gen Site Profits, etc.)
Together we can accomplish big things! Don’t you agree?
What are your plans for 2014? Are you committed to your consulting practice? Tell me about it below…