If you’ve already created a small report, then your next step is to create the title for your report. And this is an extremely important step, because your title can literally make or break your report.
Simply put, some people will decide whether they buy your report just based on your title.
That’s a lot of pressure for you to create a great title, isn’t it?
Relax… because inside this report you’ll get 15 fill-in-the-blank templates that you can use to create an awesome attention-getting title!
And if you haven’t yet created your small report?
Then that’s even better. That’s because these templates work as a great way to spark your imagination for your next small report topic!
Let’s jump in…
1. The Secrets of [Getting Desired Benefit]
Everyone wants to know a secret. Everyone wants to know what everyone else knows about getting a benefit. And it’s these two things which make this report so powerful. It arouses your prospect’s curiosity while also providing a big benefit.
- The Secrets of Writing a Sales Letter That Shatters Records
- The Secrets of Getting Rid of Garden Pests the Natural Way
- The Secrets of Getting Flatter Abs
2. What Every [Niche Member] Ought to Know About [Getting a Benefit]
Here’s another one that arouses curiosity. As soon as your prospect reads the title, he’ll be thinking, “Do I know this? Is there something I’ve overlooked?” And so the only way for him to satisfy this curiosity is by buying your report.
- What Every Online Marketer Ought to Know About Getting Free Traffic
- What Every Dog Owner Ought to Know About Socialization
- What Every Traveler Ought to Know About Staying Safe on Vacation
3. [Topic or Benefit] Made Easy
Truth is, your prospects won’t their solutions delivered on a silver platter. I mean think about it – when was the last time you saw a report titled, “The Extremely Hard and Frustrating Way to Make Money Online.”
Doesn’t happen, because no one would buy it.
And by that same token, that’s exactly why your prospects are so attracted to this report title. Not only does it promise a benefit, it promises that they’ll get this benefit easily.
What’s more, the word “easy” is a huge trigger word, one that captures attention and compels people to take action. Just take a look at these examples to see what I mean…
- Making Money Online Made Easy
- Housetraining Made Easy
- Bodybuilding Made Easy
Tip: This style title works particularly well when you’re presenting a topic that most people in your niche think is hard. Look at the above examples – most people think making money online, housetraining and bodybuilding are difficult. That’s why this report is so attractive. Just makes sure, however, that the content of your report actually follows through on your promises.
4. The Quick and Easy Way to [Get Desired Result]
You just learned that “easy” is a trigger word. And you know what? The word “quick” is a trigger word too.
So when you put these two together, you have a powerful title that gets your prospects to stop in their tracks.
As usual, just be sure that the solution really is quick and easy, otherwise you risk alienating your readers, ruining your credibility and losing any chance of repeat sales.
- The Quick and Easy Way to Use Facebook to Generate New Leads and Sales
- The Quick and Easy Way to Rebuild the Carburetor on your 1960’s Mustang
- The Quick and Easy Way to Get Rid of Cellulite for Good
5. What [Niche Experts] Know About [Getting Benefit]
No matter what you’re teaching, your prospects want to learn the tips, tactics and secrets from the experts.
They don’t want to learn about the topic from other amateurs and beginners. They don’t want to learn through trial and error. And they for sure don’t want to learn about theory.
That’s why this report is so powerful, simply because it promises your prospects that they’ll learn about the niche topic from the best and most successful people in your field.
- What the World’s Richest Marketers Know About Making Money Online
- What the Biggest Natural Bodybuilders Know About Gaining Mass Without Steroids
- What Successfully Published Authors Know About Landing Big Book Deals
6. [Getting Benefit] the Simple Way
Just a bit ago you learned that “easy” is a trigger word that gets attention. You can probably guess that the word “simple” is also a trigger word, as everyone likes to receive their benefits in simple way.
- Building a Six Figure Business the Simple Way
- Losing Belly Fat the Simple Way
- Getting Better Heart Health the Simple Way
7. The [Niche Member’s] Guide to [Getting Desired Result]
Here’s one that speaks directly to the target market. And that’s because you directly address the members of that niche (such as dog owners, homeschoolers or golfers). But what’s more, you also promise these folks a great result.
You can’t be any more direct than that.
- The Online Marketer’s Guide to Leveraging the Power of Social Media
- The Hunter’s Guide to Quickly and Easily Training Your Bird Dog
- The Soon-To-Bride’s Guide to Planning a Beautiful Wedding
Tip: Another way to use this template is by referring to the prospect’s learning level. For example:
- The Beginning Golfer’s Guide to Hitting Longer Drives
- The Expert Gardener’s Guide to Hydroponic Gardening
8. The Astonishing [Secrets] of [Niche Member Who Got Desired Results]
Sometimes people think that they’re the only ones who have a certain problem. In other cases, they think that the problem is simply too difficult to overcome.
So when they encounter this sort of report – one that outright tells them that someone else overcame the problem – your prospects will sit up and pay attention.
In essence, you’re presenting a case study as proof that your prospects can overcome this problem. They’ll think, “Hey, if this person can do it… then I can do it too.”
Tip: Even if your title doesn’t specifically mention it due to space limitations, your report should focus on someone who’s just like your target market. So if your target market consists of 30-something homeschooling moms, then the person you showcase in your report should also be a 30-something homeschooling mom.
- The Astonishing Secrets of an 18 Year Old Internet Millionaire
- The Astonishing Secrets of a Woman Who Lost 100 Pounds to Become a Highly Paid Model
- The Astonishing Secrets of How Nerdy Guys Get Dates With Beautiful Women
9. The Surprising Way to [Get Desired Result]
Chances are, many of your prospects have been searching for solutions to their problems for a long time now. And they’ve seen all the solutions (or at least they think they have).
That’s why this style report is so powerful – basically, it promises your readers that they’ll discover a solution they didn’t know about before. And better yet, this solution will surprise them.
Point is, this title raises curiosity. Just be sure that your report follows through and actually delivers a surprising solution.
- The Surprising Way to Get All the Traffic You Need… For FREE
- The Surprising Way to Get Into Medical School
- The Surprising Way to Beat Shyness
10. Unlocking [Specific Power, Desire, Benefit]
The power of this template rests with the single word “unlocking.” It suggests to the prospect that he has some sort of power hidden within him – a power to solve his problems or otherwise better his life. And your report promises him that you can help him unlock this power.
- Unlocking Your Power to Persuade and Sell
- Unlocking the Novelist Within You
- Unlocking Your Natural Charm
11. [Number] Amazing [Niche] Tips [Getting Desired Result]
If you use a keyword tool to discover what people in your niche are searching for in Google and other search engines, you’ll inevitably find that they’re looking for niche-relevant tips.
You see, some people in your niche already have a good understanding of the basics.
Example: If you sell information to online marketers, then a good chunk of your market probably understands the basics of sending targeted traffic to a high-converting sales page. But these folks are looking for tips – that one little thing that can give them the edge they need. They’re looking for that one little thing that will help them achieve better results.
That’s where this style of report comes in. Not only does it promise to share tips with the readers, it promises these tips will be amazing. And what’s more, the title also promises that these tips will help the reader achieve a desirable benefit.
- 15 Amazing Marketing Tips for Getting High-Converting Traffic
- 27 Amazing Weight Loss Tips for Getting Your Bikini Body
- 101 Amazing Remodeling Tips for Increasing the Value of Your Home
12. Discovering [Topic or Desired Result]
By now you’re getting the idea that people like to learn secrets. So while this particular report title doesn’t necessarily actually use the word “secrets,” it uses the next best trigger word: Discovering.
You can see where the word “discovering” is a trigger word. It promises the prospect that he’ll learn something he didn’t know before. And if you construct it the right way, the rest of your title should further promise a big benefit.
- Discovering the SEO Secrets of Snagging Page One Google Results for Just About ANY Keyword
- Discovering the Joys of Raising a Disabled Child
- Discovering How to Lose Weight Without Ever Feeling Hungry
13. [Number] Surefire Ways to [Get Desired Result]
Your prospects are skeptical. They’ve probably wasted a lot of time and money chasing other solutions that didn’t quite pan out. They’ve believed hyped-up marketing claims. And they may have even fallen victim to a few outright scams before.
So you know what they’re looking for?
Simple: They want a promise that you have a solution that will actually work. As you can see by the title, the word “surefire” is the key to this promise. And better yet, you’re not just offering ONE surefire way for the prospect to get his desired result, you’re offering multiple proven, surefire solutions.
- 7 Surefire Ways to Double Your Conversion Rate
- 10 Surefire Ways to Win a Rose-Growing Competition
- Three Surefire Ways to Land Your Perfect Job
14. How to be a Better [Niche Member]
The power of this report rests with its simplicity. There are no hyped-up claims associated with this title. The prospect isn’t blinded by glitzy verbal gymnastics. Your prospective readers don’t even have to cock a skeptical eyebrow when they see this title.
This title works because it simply promises the prospect that he can get better at whatever it is he’s trying to achieve. It’s so simple – yet deceptively simple, because it really does work.
- How to be a Better Copywriter
- How to be a Better Golfer
- How to be a Better Mother
15. How To [Desired Result] In Just [Time]
This type report is the classic “how to” report … with a twist. As a “how to” report you will share information in “step-by-step” chronological order, teaching the reader how to accomplish their desired result starting from scratch.
The “twist” comes with this report title in that you have also indicated a “time” to complete the desired result. The anticipated time to complete makes this type of report particularly desirable to readers.
- How To Lose 10 Pounds In Just 2 Weeks
- How To Run An Internet Business In Just 30 Minutes Per Day
- How To Prepare A Bible Lesson In Just One Hour
Tell me, did these templates spark your imagination? Did you get a few good ideas for paid reports to create in your niche? Or did you get some ideas for ways to title your existing reports?
As you discovered, these templates are powerful and easy to use – but really they’re just the beginning. That’s because you can use them as a starting point in brainstorming even more report ideas and titles.
Just tweak these templates and you’ll create dozens of additional ideas for creating and titling your report.
So go ahead and start using these templates now, while they’re still fresh in your mind and your excitement level if high.
I think you’ll be surprised at the amazing titles you come up with in the next 20 or 30 minutes!