Has this ever happened to you?
You prepare a solo mailing for your list. You’re really excited about it, because you’re promoting a great product or service. Maybe you even start crunching numbers – figuring out your open rate, estimating your click-through rate, taking a best guess on your overall conversion rate. And then you get even more excited, because you just know you’re going to make a lot of money with this email.
So you click the “send” button and broadcast your solo mailing to your list. Then you wait. And wait. And wait some more.
At which point you realize your mailing was a big flop – poor open rates, embarrassing click through rates. It wasn’t even worth the time you spent composing that email.
Listen, if you’ve ever been disappointed by a mailing’s response – or if you’re the type of person who has trouble creating solo mailings – then you’ll be glad you’re reading this report. Because you’re about to get 10 “plug and play” templates for creating your own high-response solo mailings! Just pick a template, insert relevant information where noted and you’re good to go. Hardly any work or thinking required!
Ready? Then let’s get started…
Solo #1: The “Promotional” Mailing
This is a direct-response piece, meaning it focuses on selling the product by highlighting the benefits. You’ll find very little if any “how to” information in a direct-response piece.
Subject: Imagine if you didn’t [have a specific bad thing, like back pain]…
Alternative subject: Act now to get a [%] off discount on [name of product]…
Hi [First Name],
I know what it’s like to [have a bad thing, like back pain, poor conversion rates, an untrained dog, etc]. I’ve been there, I’ve done it, I have the t-shirt to prove it.
It gets frustrating when you have to constantly deal with [some aspect of the bad thing, like “cleaning your puppy’s accidents off the carpet]. It makes you want to tear your hair out. Sometimes you want to just throw your hands in the air and [quit/forget about it].
But then you look around and see that other people [have some good thing, like a well-trained dog, good conversion rates, etc]. You figure if these people can do it, so can you (and that’s true). If only you could discover their [topic/niche] secrets, then you too could [get a big benefit, like “have a perfectly well-trained dog”].
Good news – now you CAN learn these secrets! That’s because I’ve created a collection of the best [niche/topic] tricks, tips and strategies inside my new , “[name of product]”. Check it out here [link].
In just moments you’ll discover:
- A surprisingly simple way to [get a desirable benefit].
- A neat trick that virtually guarantees you’ll [get another desirable benefit].
- My quick and dirty method for [getting another desirable benefit].
- A little-known way to [get another desirable benefit] – even if [you don’t have some specific skill, requirement, etc].
- A quick and easy [number] step method for [getting a specific benefit] – you’ll be amazed when you see the results!
And much, much more. By the time you finish [reading/viewing] [name of product], you’ll know exactly how to [get a big benefit] – guaranteed!
But don’t take my word for it. Go to [sales page link] and check out the testimonials from people just like you. You’ll be amazed at how they [got rid of their problem and received a specific benefit] – and best of all, you can do it too!
Listen, you don’t need to struggle with [bad thing] any more. You don’t have to [experience another bad thing anymore]. And you’ll never again have to worry about [still another bad thing]. Because once you know the secrets inside this exciting [report/video/etc], you’ll [get a big benefit].
Go ahead, imagine what life will be like when you finally [get a big benefit]. Imagine how you’ll feel when [the specific problem is gone].
Feels good, doesn’t it?
Best of all, you don’t have to dream about it anymore. Because when you go to [sales page link] and claim your copy of [title of product], you’ll finally have [benefit].
Go get it – you deserve it!
[Sign off]
P.S. If you act now, you can get a [%] discount when you use coupon code [insert coupon code]. But hurry, this offer ends [“soon” or after some specific amount of time or on some specific date].
Solo #2: The “Testimonial” Mailing
Your readers are always a bit skeptical about what you say when you’re promoting a product (especially if it’s your own product). That’s why the testimonial mailing is so powerful, because it offers proof from neutral third parties that your product is everything you say it is.
Subject: [Name of testimonial giver] says this is awesome – what do you think?
Alternative subject: The responses have been overwhelming – check it out!
Hi [First Name],
Have you heard the news?
[Name of product] launched last week, and the responses have been overwhelming. People all over the globe are discovering that this is the solution they’ve been looking for. Even people with no [niche/topic] experience are quickly finding that [name of product] is the quickest and easiest way to [get a specific benefit].
If you haven’t claimed your copy of [name of product] yet, then you’re missing the boat. That’s because this [ebook/video/other product] is best and more affordable way to [get a desired benefit].
It doesn’t matter if you’ve tried and failed before. It doesn’t matter if [you don’t have some specific requirement, skill, knowledge, etc]. It doesn’t even matter if you [don’t have some other specific requirement, skill or knowledge]. That’s because this product delivers [big benefit] – guaranteed!
But don’t take my word for it. Just see what these other people are saying about [product name]…
“[Insert powerful excerpt from first testimonial]”
[Insert actual testimonial – preferably one that talks about actual results.]
Or take a look at what [first name] from [city] said about [product name]. I’m guessing [first name] is lot like you. That’s because [briefly describe how this testimonial giver is like the prospect in a relevant, meaningful way. E.G., “He’s a 45 year old truck driver that never went to college – and yet he’s now earning six figures online thanks to this product…”]
“[Insert powerful excerpt from first testimonial]”
[Insert another actual testimonial – preferably one that talks about actual results.]
And they aren’t the only one who thinks that. I’ve had dozens of testimonials pour in from all over the globe. People who never thought they’d ever be able to [get a benefit] because they [one reason why they couldn’t get this benefit, such as “they were too old”], they [another reason why they couldn’t get this benefit] or because they [still another reason why prospects may think they can’t get this benefit].
But [product name] proved them all wrong. These folks were pleasantly surprised to find that they too could finally [get rid of bad thing] and start [getting some advantage or benefit]. That’s why every day I get testimonials like this one:
“[Insert powerful excerpt from first testimonial]”
[Insert another actual testimonial – preferably one that talks about actual results.]
Look, if someone like [name of person who gave above testimonial] can get [specific, amazing results], then just imagine what [product name] will do for you. Check it out right now at [link].
And do it right away, because the sooner you claim your copy of [name product], the sooner you too can start [enjoying some specific benefit] and [getting another specific benefit]!
[Sign off]
P.S. Did you see the testimonial from [name] on the product page? If not, you have to take a look at it: [sales page]. That one blew my mind – I’m sure it will blow yours too!
Solo #3: The “Free Report” Mailing
By giving your readers a free report, you trip their “reciprocity” triggers. This makes them more likely to purchase your paid product. However, just be sure that you also include links to the paid product from within the free report.
Subject: You can [get a benefit] – for free!
Alternative subject: Free for a limited time…
Hi [first name],
I get a lot of email from people all over the world who’re looking to [get some specific benefit]. And nearly all these emails ask me the same question: [insert this frequently asked question]?
Maybe you have that same question. Because whether you’ve just started dabbling with [niche/topic] or you’re a seasoned pro who’s been doing this for years, you probably would like to find out how to [get a benefit].
I hear you. And that’s why I created my brand new report, “[insert title of report”]. Best of all, you can download it free today by going to [link].
Inside this exciting report you’ll discover:
- How to [get a benefit] – it’s a whole lot easier than you think!
- The #1 reason most people never [get a benefit] – you’ll find out how to avoid this mistake!
- A ridiculously simple way to [get a benefit] – you don’t want to miss this.
- My personal mind map that will show you a clear way to [get a benefit or complete a process] – if you’ve ever been confused about how to [complete some process], then you’re going to want to look at this mind map first on page [number].
Go ahead, download and read this report today. I think it’s really going to open your eyes about what’s possible when it comes to [getting some specific benefit].
Oh, and I’m not just tooting my own horn here. I’ve already distributed this report to a group of friends and colleagues to get their opinions on it. You probably know [name of friend who looked over report] – he says [insert his positive feedback].
I’m also hearing a lot of comments about how useful this report is, especially if you use it alongside [name and link of paid product]. That’s because [give reason why your free report complements this other paid product so well – in other words give a reason why people who download your free report should also buy this other product].
Point is, these products seem to work synergistically. My report gives you just what you need to [insert specific benefit]. Meanwhile, [name of paid product] gives you [specific benefit]. So, when you use them together you get [big benefit] even faster and easier than before.
But don’t take my word for it – check it out for yourself. First, download my report by using the link I gave you at the beginning of this email. Then go get your copy of [name of paid product] by going to [link].
I think you’ll agree that together these products are the best way to [get a benefit].
Drop me a line and let me know how it goes for you!
[Sign off]
P.S. Check out page [page number] of the free report right away. It will show you a nifty way to use [paid product] to get [benefit]. Most people I’ve talked to didn’t even know it was possible! I think you might be surprised too…
Solo #4: The “Discount” Mailing
(for Affiliate Products)
One way to help spur sales is by creating a sense of urgency. This is what this solo mailing does, simply because it offers a limited-time discount.
Subject: Use this coupon today before it expires…
Alternative subject: How does a [number %] off discount sound?
Hi [Name],
You’ve been hearing me talk about [product name] for some time now. I love it because it’s a great way to [get a specific benefit]. And it doesn’t even matter if you’re an absolute beginner who doesn’t know a thing about [topic] – you can still use this product to [get another specific benefit].
Truth is, I’d pay twice the price for this product and it would still feel like an awesome bargain. No kidding – it really is that good. It’s the best [type of product] to come down the pike in a long, long time.
But even though it’s so worth the price, I wanted to make sure that absolutely everyone could afford it. And that’s why I twisted [name of product creator’s name] to give you an exclusive discount. All you have to do is use coupon code [coupon code] at [link] and you’ll save [$X] instantly.
Unfortunately, there’s a catch – this coupon expires [insert when coupon expires] so you need to act fast. You seriously will kick yourself if you miss out on this special offer.
That’s because [name of product] is unlike anything you’ve ever used before. And I’m not just saying this. Try it out for yourself and you’ll see what I mean. If you’re like most people I talk to who use this product, you’re going to quickly notice these three benefits:
- You’ll instantly get [specific benefit].
- You’ll be surprised at just how quickly [specific bad thing] disappears.
- You’ll feel great as you start enjoying [some specific benefit].
Of course you don’t have to take my word for it — check out the video at this link [link]. There you’ll see absolute proof that this product is the best way to [get a specific benefit] – guaranteed!
Bottom line is that you’re going to love the way this product helps you [get a specific benefit], [get another specific benefit] and [get yet another specific benefit]. It’s helped me, it’s helped countless others around the globe [get a specific benefit] and I know it will help you too.
So check it out at [link] right now, and be sure to use coupon code [insert coupon code] to get your exclusive discount.
And do it now so you don’t miss out!
[Sign off]
P.S. Do me a favor and keep this coupon code to yourself, ok? [Name of product creator] made me promise that this coupon code wouldn’t get shared all over the ‘net. That’s because he’s bending over backwards to give you this discount and practically losing money on the deal, all because he’s doing a favor for me.
So yes, please do go to [link] and use code [coupon code] right now to secure your own discount. But don’t share it on social media, niche forums, your blog or elsewhere that it’s likely to draw a lot of attention. Thanks!
Solo #5: The “Interview” Mailing
This is a great mailing to use when you’re selling affiliate products. That’s because you can interview the product owner and then use your affiliate link to pitch the product at the end.
Subject: Read this interview with [interviewee’s name]
Alternative subject: You won’t believe what [interviewee’s name] said about [topic]…
Hi [first name],
There’s no one on this planet who knows [niche/topic] better than [interviewee’s name]. And that’s why I was absolutely thrilled when [interviewee’s name] agreed to do an interview with me.
If you’re not familiar with [interviewee’s name], then you’ll want to check out [his/her] blog at [link]. There you’ll learn all about [interviewee’s name]’s background in [niche/topic], how [he/she] became the leading expert in [niche/topic] and much more. Be sure to sign up for [his/her] newsletter when you visit the site, because you won’t find anyone sharing better [niche/topics] tips and tricks anywhere.
And now without further ado, here’s the interview…
Q. Thank you for agreeing to do this interview, [interviewee’s name]. Please introduce yourself and tell us how you got interested in [topic/niche].
A. [Insert answer]
Q. I’ve read elsewhere that you encountered a lot of obstacles before you finally succeeded at [accomplishing some goal in the niche, such as making money online, losing weight, etc]. Can you please tell us about some of these obstacles and how you overcame them?
A. [Insert answer]
Q. Now, you know more than anyone that a lot of people try to replicate your success. They hear your story, they get motivated, they get excited. But very few actually succeed, at least not at the level you did. What do you see as the biggest mistake that holds most beginners back?
A. [insert answer]
Q. What are some of the other mistakes that [niche/topic] beginners make when they’re first trying to [get a specific benefit or learn a process]?
A. [insert answer]
Q. What does a typical day look like for you?
A. [insert answer]
Q. Do you use any specific tools or resources that you’d recommend to others to make it easier for them to [get a specific benefit or learn a specific process]?
A. [insert answer]
Q. OK, time to spill the beans. What is your #1 secret for [getting a specific benefit]?
A. [insert answer]
So there you have it – some of [interviewee’s name]’s best [niche/topic] tips, tricks and secrets.
If you liked what [he/she] shared in this interview, then you’re going to absolutely love [his/her] brand new book, [enter title of book]. This book is your complete guide to [niche/topic]. Take a peek inside and you’ll discover:
- The biggest mistakes nearly all [niche/topic] beginners make – and how you can avoid it!
- A quick and dirty way to [get a specific result] – this one is going to surprise you!
- The easiest way to [get a benefit].
And much, much more!
Best of all, [interviewee’s name] has agreed to give you a [$x] discount if you use coupon code [coupon code] when you order here: [link].
But hurry, this coupon expires [date] – and you’ll kick yourself if you miss out!
[Sign off]
P.S. OK, a confession – I withheld some of [interviewee’s name]’s interview. Actually, I didn’t even share with you the biggest secret [she/he] revealed. You’ll get that next time, so stay tuned!
Solo #6: The “Reasons Why” Mailing
Your prospects have several objections – these are reasons why they shouldn’t buy the product you’re promoting. In this email, you take these objections, handle them and let readers know the reasons why they SHOULD buy your product.
Subject: What’s holding you back, [first name]?
Alternative subject: Which of these reasons sound familiar to you, [first name]?
Hi [first name],
I know what it’s like when you’re first starting out and trying to [get some specific result, like lose weight]. It feels like an uphill battle. Fortunately, you’ve made the wise choice to not go it alone, which is why you’re reading this newsletter right now.
But chances are, you’ve been trying to [get a specific benefit] for a while now, haven’t you? You’ve read a lot of newsletters. You’ve read a lot of blogs. You’ve watched a lot of [topic] videos. And yeah, you’ve probably even purchased a lot of [niche/topic] products.
Every time you see one of these products, you get excited. You think that maybe this is the one that’s going to finally allow you to [get a specific benefit]. You can already imagine what life will be like once you [get another benefit]. And you can’t wait to [get still another benefit].
So what happens? Nothing. You might see a little progress, such as [describe what kind of progress a person might see when they first use a product in the niche]. But eventually you end up right back where you started. And you’re disappointed, again.
So when I told you about [name of product] last week, I’d imagine you were a little suspicious. You were probably wondering why this product was different than all those other [types of products] products. And maybe you even talked yourself out of looking at it.
Sound familiar? I bet it does. I hear it a lot. And yet people who do check out [name of product] are always really glad they did. And that’s because almost everyone who uses the product ends up [getting a specific benefit]. I got a feeling the same will be true for you.
Here’s why…
- Reason 1: This [product/book/etc] is unlike anything you’ve ever seen. [Insert reason why this product is different from similar ones on the market, such as that it was created by a true expert in the field – it’s based on real-world experience, not theory.]
- Reason 2: [Name of product] offers tremendous value. [This “reason why” addresses what some may perceive to be an expensive price – you need to demonstrate the value of the product by discussing its benefits.]
- Reason 3: This product WILL work for you, guaranteed. [Recap some of the proof that this product works, then tell your prospects about the guarantee.]
Point is, you have absolutely nothing to lose and so much to gain, so order now at: [link].
And best of all, I’m going to even throw in a free 20-minute consultation if you act now. You simply cannot fail when you have me personally coaching you and showing you exactly how to [get the desired result], so act now.
[Sign off]
P.S. It’s ok to be excited, because this IS the [niche/topic] solution you’ve been looking for. After all, [number] satisfied customers can’t be wrong. If it works for them, it will work for you too, so order now (risk free) at [link].
Solo #7: The “Teaser” Mailing
This is a solo mailing that you send in advance of a product launch (either your own, or you can tweak it for an affiliate product). At this point, your readers should know something about the product. This is where you really start highlighting the benefits just a few days in advance of the launch.
Subject: It’s coming…
Alternative subject: You’ve been asking for it and now it’s almost here…
Hi [first name],
Last week I told you that I’m about to unveil something very exciting very soon. And today I’d like to announce that it’s almost here. Because in just 72 hours from now, you’re going to get a chance to download the most exciting [niche/topic] product that’s hit this market in a long time.
This is unlike anything you’ve ever seen – and I’m not just saying that. That’s because I’ve spent the last year perfecting my process for [getting some specific result]. This is the same process I’ve used to [get a specific result]. And it’s the same process I’ve taught to countless [niche] clients around the globe to help them [get a specific result] too.
It worked for me. It’s worked for dozens of others. And I am absolutely sure it will work for you, too.
The reason why this product will work where others have failed is because [insert a reason that makes your product different from the competition – this may be your unique selling proposition (USP)]. But once you start using this product, you’ll quickly see that it is possible for you to [get a specific benefit].
Here’s what else you’ll discover:
- A surprisingly simple way to [get a benefit] – you’ll wish you had heard of this years ago!
- A brand-new, never-before-seen strategy for [getting specific result] – this one really works!
- A quick and easy way to skip the learning curve so that you can start [getting a specific benefit] immediately.
And much, much more.
By the time you finish reviewing this course, you’ll feel like you have a PhD in [niche topic]. You’ll basically know everything you need to know about [getting a benefit], [getting another benefit] and [getting another benefit] – guaranteed!
Listen, no one is teaching this stuff, not even in those $2000 courses. That’s what makes this product so special. For the first time ever, these amazing [niche/topic] tricks, secrets and strategies are available to absolutely anyone.
It doesn’t matter if you don’t have any experience. It doesn’t matter if you’ve tried and failed before. It doesn’t even matter if you [don’t have some other factor, possession, skill, experience or knowledge that most people assume you must have in order to succeed] – because this really works. Simply put, it’s the best way I know to [get a big benefit].
If this sounds like exactly what you’ve been searching for (and I’m sure it is), then mark your calendar right now. Because in just three days – on [specific date] at [specific time] – you’re going to get a chance to finally [get a specific benefit].
Bookmark this page now: [link of future sales page]. That’s where you’ll find the product on [date] at [time]. And you’ll want to be there as soon as the doors open, because the first [number] customers will get a [$x] early bird discount!
[Sign off]
P.S. See you in three days at this link: [insert link of future sales page, preferably a link with a countdown clock on it]…
Solo #8: The “Bonus” Mailing
You can use this type of mailing to help spur sales for your own products, or you can use it to add value (and increase your conversion rate) for your affiliate offers. The idea is that you offer a bonus to anyone who buys through your link. For this example, I’m using a bonus service.
Subject: Free 20 minute [topic] consultation…
Alternative subject: Ask me anything — free consult…
Hi [name],
You’ve no doubt heard that [name of product] just launched. And if you’re like a lot of people, you’ve been seriously consider getting it. But if there’s one thing I keep hearing from readers, it’s that they’re wondering if this product really will help them [get a specific benefit].
The short answer is yes.
I know this because I’ve spent the last two weeks using [product creator’s] exciting new [type of strategy] strategy. And it’s worked like a charm to [get a specific benefit].
In just 14 short days I’ve enjoyed benefits such as:
- Finally discovering the secret of [getting a specific benefit].
- An easy way to [get another specific benefit] – if you’re like me, you’re probably doing this wrong. You’ll get much better results once you discover this simple secret!
- How to [get a specific benefit] – you won’t find an easier or better way to do it. Period.
And I’m just getting started.
Look, I’ve proven this product works. I know others who’re getting the same if not better results than I am. And so I know without a doubt that it will work for you too.
However, I realize you may be a little skeptical. After all, you’ve heard some of these promises before. And you’ve likely tried plenty of these other products. Yet here you are, still struggling to [get a specific benefit or get rid of some bad thing or problem].
Yet I’m so confident that this product will work for you and finally give you the [type of] results you’re seeking that I’m willing to coach you, for free, to help you maximize your use of [name of product] and get the best [type of] results of your life.
So here’s the deal…
If you’re one of the next [number] of people to order right now at [link], you’ll get a FREE 20 minute one-on-one telephone consultation with me. During this consult you can ask me anything on the topic of [niche topic], such as:
- How to really maximize your use of [product name] to get great results.
- How to avoid the most common [niche topic] mistakes.
- How to structure your time so that you can get great results in as little time as possible.
- My personal recommendations for creating a personalized plan that will help you [get specific niche-relevant results].
- Have me review your existing [niche topic] plan to help you strengthen it so that you can [get specific results] even faster and easier.
- Help you get past the [niche topic] sticking points that are holding you back.
… or whatever else you want to talk about.
This call is about you. It’s about your success. It’s about finally getting you over the hump so that you can [get a specific benefit, something the prospect has wanted for a while now].
Let’s do it together, today. All you have to do is order [product name] at this link [link], and then forward your receipt to me at [your email].
I look forward to working with you!
[Sign off]
P.S. When you send your receipt, don’t forget to tell me a good day and time for your consult. I can’t wait to talk to you!
Solo #9: The “Case Study” Mailing
A case study is a very powerful form of social proof, since it shows step-by-step how a specific product allowed you to get specific results.
This works best for promoting an affiliate offer. If you want to do a case study for your own product, it’s best if you have a third-party complete the case study (rather than doing it yourself).
Subject: If you didn’t think you could ever [get a benefit], think again…
Alternative subject: The results are in – check them out! (Look inside)
Hi [first name],
People have been asking me for my opinion about [name of product], which you can see here [link]. I’ve shared my opinion multiple times, including on my blog and in this very newsletter. Bottom line – if you want to [get a specific benefit], then this is the best way to do it.
However, what I’ve shared so far has just been an opinion. Sure, that opinion is backed with years of experience. I’ve used many of the same strategies detailed in this product, so I know it works. However, [product creator] did introduce a few twists, such as the [name of a strategy from a course], which has a lot of people buzzing. And the truth is, that’s one method I’d never tried before.
Until now.
Because over the past few weeks I’ve been studying this method and applying it just the way it’s described inside [name of product]. And I tell you what, I’ve been absolutely blown away by my results!
Take a look at the proof here: [If possible, insert some sort of proof such as a video, screen shot, pictures, etc.
For example, if the product was a weight loss product, then show a before and after picture. Or if it’s a marketing/traffic-generation product, then show before and after screenshots of your traffic logs.]
Now let me share with you what’s happened over the last [few days, few weeks, few months or however long it took for you to complete the case study.]
- [Day/Week/Month] 1: Starting Point
Before I started employing what I learned inside [product name], I took a look at my baseline data. Here it is: [Insert any data that’s related to where you started.
For example, if it’s a traffic product, how many unique visitors were you getting before you applied the strategy? Or if it was a weight loss product, what were your measurements and weight?]
Once I looked at this data, then the next thing I did was immediately put to use the procedure described on page [number] of [product name]. Here’s an overview of what I did:
- [insert one-sentence description of step 1]
- [insert one-sentence description of step 2]
- [insert one-sentence description of the rest of the steps in this bulleted list]
So far, so good. But my goal is to [state your goal]. Here’s what happened…
- [Day/Week/Month] 2: Midway Point
This week really surprised me, because I started seeing some pretty amazing results. Specifically, [insert description, with proof if possible, of whatever results you were starting to notice during this week].
- [Day/Week/Month] 3: Final Results
It only took [number][days/weeks/months] before I achieved my goal of [state what your goal was]. I was thrilled! Not only did I meet my goal, I exceeded it by [describe how you achieved your goal].
Here’s what happened… [Go into detail about the results you received. Again, offer proof].
I owe all these awesome results to [name of product]. I’m so glad I gave it a try, and I strongly urge you to do so too. If you want to [get a specific result], then using [name of product or name of strategy] is the best way to do it.
So check it out now at [link].
[Sign off]
P.S. Don’t take my word for it – try it for yourself today by going to [link]. You’ll be glad you did.
Solo #10: The “Product Review” Mailing
This is a fairly promotional piece, since you’re reviewing a product. Just be sure to include the perceived flaws of the product, since this will create more credibility for you and thus boost your conversion rate.
Subject: [Product name] review
Alternative subject: The truth about [product name]
Hi [Name]
I know, you’ve been hearing a lot about [product name] over the last couple [days/weeks/months]. You’re wondering if it’s right for you. You’re wondering if it’s really your solution to [getting rid of a specific problem].
The answer is yes, especially if you’re [describe the type of person who’d benefit most from this product]. However, this product isn’t for everyone. Read on to find out if it’s right for you…
Overview of [Product Name]
The first thing you’ll notice about [product name] is that [insert general description of the product… for example, if it’s a book then you can talk about how many chapters and pages it has, briefly what it covers, etc. If it’s a physical product, like a laptop, then quickly cover some of the main features and benefits].
The Good…
This product really stands out from the competition in a number of ways. Specifically…
- [Highlight a first major benefit – for example, maybe a laptop has much more power and RAM then you usually see at this price point, so multi-taskers can run several programs without the computer crashing or slowing down.]
- [Highlight a second major benefit]
- [Highlight a third major benefit]
The reason why these features are so important is because this is the only product that really allows you to [get some specific benefit].
Most of the other competitors fall short in this category. Some of the competitors have tried to [implement this specific feature], but it really doesn’t work because [explain why this specific feature didn’t work in the competitors’ products]. Most competing products, however, don’t include this feature at all. That’s why [product name] offers a lot of value for the price.
However, [product name] isn’t all sunshine and kittens. It does have a few flaws. Read on…
The Bad…
No [type of product] is perfect, and [product name] is no exception. However, while [product name] does have its flaws, I didn’t see any deal breakers here. There’s nothing really that would make me hesitate to recommend the product. However, you should be aware of these potential problems…
- [Describe a perceived flaw or potential problem with the product – for example, maybe a laptop has a weak casing, so you’re a little concerned about what happens if the laptop gets bumped hard or dropped.]
- [Insert another potential problem – for example, maybe a dieting book doesn’t have actual recipes.]
However, I did find one workaround. Specifically, if [the type of problem] looks like it’s going to be a sticking point for you, one way to fix this is by [describe a way to get around the problem, or a way to turn this perceived liability into an asset].
The Verdict…
Despite the minor problems above, I whole-heartedly recommend [product name] to anyone who wants to [get a specific benefit]. That’s because [reiterate main selling point]. You can check it out for yourself here [link].
And there you have it – 10 different solo mailings that you can send to your list, including the Direct Promotion, the Product Review, the FAQ, the Interview, the Case Study Mailing and five others.
Now, I don’t suggest that you just pick and choose your way through this list. That’s because a solo mailing that doesn’t appeal much to you might really appeal to your readers. And the only way to know for sure is to test it.As such, I highly recommend you try all of these mailings at once. You might just be surprised by the results!