If you do any work online, then you no doubt have a constant need for creating articles. You post these articles on your blog, send them to your newsletter and distribute them all around the web.
But sometimes you open up that word processor and you end up staring at a blank page. You don’t know what to write. You’re not sure how to begin. And it feels like pure torture just to eke out 500 words.
Until now, that is. Because inside this report you’ll discover 10 different article templates for some of the most popular article types, including:
- The How To Article
- The Tips Article
- The Press Release Article
- The Encyclopedia Article
- The Motivational Article
… And five other popular kinds of article formats!
These templates will work for just about anytopicand anyniche.
All you have to do is replace what’s in the brackets with some specific information, and in just a few minutes your article will be ready to distribute all around the web.
It really is that easy. But don’t take my word for it – keep reading to see for yourself how quickly and easily you can start writing articles using these templates!
Article #1: The “How to” Article
This is your standard step-by-step article where you teach your readers how to complete a process or solve a problem.
Example: You might teach your readers how to housetrain a puppy, how to write a sales letter or how to save for retirement.
Tip: Be sure to include extra tips, tricks and notes to make your “how to” article even more valuable for readers.
Title: How to [get a benefit] in Just [#] Easy Steps…
Alternative Title: The Secrets of [getting a benefit]
If you’ve ever wanted to [get a specific benefit], then you’re reading the right article. That’s because you’re about to discover my easy [number]-step method for [getting a specific result].
And the good news is that this method works even if [the reader doesn’t have a specific qualification or possession, like knowledge, skill, money, experience, etc].
Read on…
Step 1: [Insert one-sentence description of Step 1. Preferably, this sentence should start with a verb, such as “Choose a Dog Kennel” or “Profile Your Target Market”.]
Many people who’re new to [the niche or the process] don’t even realize that they need to do this step before they can [insert quick description of the second step]. And that’s why a lot of people who try to [get a specific result] end up failing – they’re simply missing this crucial step.
So, the first thing you need to do is [insert description of how to complete this step. Be thorough here.].
You’ll find that this part of the process goes much more smoothly if you apply these tips and tricks:
- [Insert first tip or trick that will help the reader complete this step.]
- [Insert second tip or trick.]
- [Continue on with this bulleted list, inserting as many tips or tricks as you’d like to include.]
Once you’ve [completed this first step – insert quick description], then you can move on to the next step…
Step 2: [Insert one-sentence description of this step]
The next thing you need to do is [insert overview/brief description of this step].
When I first started [trying to complete this process], I made a lot of mistakes. And now that I’ve helped others do it, I see a lot of people have a tendency to make the same mistakes. So let me share with you the top [number] mistakes and how to avoid them:
- [Insert common mistake 1 and how to avoid it.]
- [Insert common mistake 2 and how to avoid it.]
- [Continue on, listing any other mistakes and how to avoid them.]
Step 3: [Insert one-sentence description of this step]
At this step you’re likely to notice [insert description of what people might experience at this step]. So, what you need to do is [insert description of how to complete this step].
I still remember the first time I was doing this step and trying to [get a specific result]. I [insert a short story about this step – mistakes you made, a funny little anecdote or maybe even some surprising results you received. The idea here is to further connect with the reader and build rapport.]
[You may insert tips here, just as in Step 1, to add value to your explanation of Step 3.]
[Insert any other required steps here. Again, be sure to offer tips, stories or other notes in these steps.]
And there you have it – a simple [number]-step method for [getting a specific result]. Now that you know how to [get a benefit], there’s just one thing left for you to do: take action.
So get to it, and soon you too will [enjoy specific benefit]!
Article #2: The “Tips” Article
You can share any number of tips in this article that you’d like.
If you share fewer tips (like from one to four tips), then you can provide more depth to each tip. If you share more tips (five, ten, twenty or more), you may just share a quick sentence or two about the tip. The choice is yours.
Title: The Top [number] Ways to [Get a Benefit]
Alternative Title: [Number] Tips for [Getting a Specific Benefit]
So you’ve been trying to [get a specific benefit] for a while now.
You see others do it. And it seems like everyone makes it look so easy.
But for some reason, success keeps eluding you. Every time you get close to [getting a specific result], something happens and you end up back where you started.
Not this time.
Because this time you’re going to be armed with the same tips, tricks and secrets that the [professionals or other experienced people, like “doctors” or “dog trainers”] know. So give these tips a try and see if they don’t work for you too…
Tip 1:Never [do this bad thing, such as “never shop on an empty stomach”].
WARNING: [Add a warning here – perhaps by describing a common mistake or pitfall that people make at this point while applying this tip, plus instructions for how to avoid this mistake.]
Tip 2:Avoid [doing another bad thing, such as “avoid writing at a time of the day when you’re usually tired”].
Tip 3:Be sure to [do this good thing, such as “be sure to include all household expenses in your budget, even incidentals”].
Bonus Tip: [Insert an extra tip that’s directly related to the tip you just shared.]
Tip 4:Don’t [do this bad thing, such as “don’t write your sales letter until you’ve profiled your target market”].
Tip 5:Do [be sure to do this good thing, such as “do put your dog on a consistent walking schedule”].
Example: [Offer an example of the tip you just shared. In the above case, you’d insert a sample dog-walking schedule for readers to follow.]
Tip 6:Allow [something to happen, such as “allow yourself extra time”].
Tip 7:Let [something happen, like “let your spouse take over some of the chores” or “let your body tell you when it’s hungry”].
Tip 8:Create [something, like “create time in your schedule” or “create a budget”].
NOTE: [Add a note, such a clarification or a common pitfall to avoid.]
Tip 9:Take [something, like “take the first step without worrying about the results”].
Tip 10:Try [something, such as “try skipping the introduction and writing the meat of your article first”].
[Once again, add value by inserting something useful here – an extra tip (that’s relevant to Tip 10), a note, a mind map or even a graphic that helps the reader.]
In sum: [Getting a specific result] is actually fairly simple when you apply the above [number] of tips. So let me leave you with one last tip…
[Insert one final tip, preferably one that directly or even indirectly encourages the person to take action. E.G., “Take action right now, even if you don’t feel ready…”]
So get to it – you’re going to be glad you did!
Article #3: The “FAQ” Article
If you have your finger on the pulse of your niche, then you’ve probably noticed how the same questions come up again and again. You see these questions on forums, blog discussions, social media, Quora.com and even in your own inbox.
Now you can help folks out by writing an article that answers these frequently asked questions.
Title: Your [niche/topic] Questions, Answered
Alternative Title: The Answers to Your Top [Number] [Niche/Topic] Questions
Every day my inbox is flooded with questions about [general niche topic]. People want to know [how to get a specific result]. They want to know [how to get a desired benefit]. And they’re trying to figure out how to [get a good thing] without [getting a bad thing].
Chances are, you probably have these same types of questions. And you’ve probably even spent some time on blogs, forums and around the web, trying to get answers. Problem is, you keep getting conflicting answers, right?
For example, just pop onto any [niche] forum and ask this question: [insert a common question from the niche].
I guarantee that you’ll get conflicting advice. Some people will tell you to [do one thing to solve the problem]. Another group will advocate that you [do something else to solve the problem]. And just to make it extra confusing, you might even get a few people telling you to [do something else entirely different to solve the problem].
So you’re left to sort through the wheat and the chaff.
If you’re new to that particular community, it’s even harder because you don’t know who to trust. Because the truth is, there are plenty of wannabe [insert description of the person, such as “marketer” or “personal trainers”] who want you to think they know what they’re talking about – but they’re just as clueless as everyone else. And in some cases, these types of people are offering downright dangerous advice.
That’s why I compiled this list of frequently asked questions.
I wanted to make sure you got the right advice from someone who’s successfully navigated the world of [niche or topic]. Read on…
Q.What is the best way to [complete some process]?
A.[Insert answer.]
Q.[Some tool or process] is expensive. Is there a cheaper way to get the same results?
A.[Insert answer.]
Q.What’s the fastest way to [get some benefit or complete a process]?
A.[Insert answer.]
Q.Every time I try to [take some step or complete some process], I end up [with a bad result or making some type of mistake]. How can I avoid this in the future?
A.[Insert answer.]
Q.I’ve been trying to [take some step or complete a process] for [some length of time], but I’m not seeing good results. What am I doing wrong?
A.[Insert answer.]
Q.If you went back in time and were going to [take some step or complete a process] for the first time ever, what would you do differently this time?
A.[Insert answer.]
Q.I don’t have a whole lot of time to [take some step or complete a process], because I have work, family and social responsibilities. What do you suggest I do?
A.[Insert answer.]
In conclusion…
At last, you finally know the TRUTH about [topic], [topic] and [topic]. And that means that you can now [complete some specific niche process] more confidently, because you’re armed with the knowledge you need to succeed. See you at the top!
Article #4: The “Resources” Article
The idea here is that you compile a list of the top resources in your niche. These resources may be either free or paid resources.
You can post a list of the same resources (such as the top 10 books in your niche), or you can compile a variety of resources (such as paid books, free reports, videos, blogs or even specific blog posts, etc).
Title: The Top [Number] Resources Every [Niche Member] Ought to Know
Alternative Title: Which of These [Niche] Resources Have You Overlooked?
If you’re like a lot of people I talk to, you’re probably always on the lookout for good information and resources that can help you [get a specific benefit].
I’m the same way. In fact, my computer bookmarks are just loaded with useful sites.
Some weeks back I was telling someone about my bookmarks, and he said I should share them with other [niche group members]. It sounded like a good idea in theory.
However, I have literally dozens – probably hundreds – of resources bookmarked. And the truth is, not all of them are that great.
So here’s what I did – I just spent the last week pouring through these bookmarks.
I kicked out the outdated resources, the dead links and so on. I set aside the average information. And when I was all done, I had [number] of the best [niche] resources from around the web.
These are the best, the cream of the crop, so I know you’ll enjoy them too.
Read on…
Resource 1:[Insert resource title and link here – if this is a mixed list, mention if it’s free or paid.]
What I really like about this resource is that it [insert description of what makes this particular resource really stand out on your list]. Simply put, you won’t find an easier or better way to [get a desired result] when you use [name of resource].
Resource 2:[Insert resource title and link here.]
I’ve noticed that a lot of my colleagues don’t include this particular resource on their Top 10 lists. That’s probably because [note some minor flaw with the resource]. However, I always include this [book, video, product or other resource] on my list simply because it [give the reason why you think this resource is so valuable].
Resource 3:[Insert resource title and link here.]
I really like this [book, video or other resource]. And that’s because it gives you a quick and dirty way to [get a specific benefit]. This [type of resource] may not [have some specific characteristic that the competing resource have], but it doesn’t matter because [describe how some part of the product is so useful that people use the resource solely for that feature]. Check it out and you’ll see what I mean.
Resource 4:[Insert resource title and link here.]
Have you ever tried to [get a specific result], but you just ended up [getting another result] instead? If so, then you’ll LOVE this resource. Simply put, [explain why this resource is so awesome].
Resource 5:[Insert resource title and link here.]
While this is the last resource on my list, it is by no means the least. That’s because [explain why you added this resource to your list].
In sum…
If you want to [get a specific benefit], then for best results you should be using all [number] of these resources regularly. I do, and I credit these resources for a great deal of my [niche topic] success.
So give them a try and see what they can do for you too!
Article #5: The “Top Mistakes” Article
As you’ve probably already guessed, this is an article that reveals the top mistakes that people make in the niche, along with information about how to avoid these mistakes.
How many mistakes you list and how much depth and explanation you give for each mistake really depends on your intended article length.
Title: Are You Making These [Niche Topic] Mistakes?
Alternative Title: Top [Number][Niche Topic] Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
I remember what it was like when I was first starting out [trying to get a specific niche-relevant result, like “trying to lose weight”]. Everyone else made it look so easy. Seems like a lot of people on the forums and even some of my friends had [gotten this specific result] without any problems.
But not me.
I was always getting tripped up by [specific obstacles that held you back]. And once I started to really pay attention to what others were doing, I soon learned that they too were making the same [topic] mistakes.
Now if you’re a [niche topic] beginner, I can almost guarantee you’re already making these mistakes – or if not, then you’re going to be making them, soon. And once you start making these mistakes, you’re going to find out that [niche process] is time-consuming, expensive and even painful.
Unless, of course, you learn how to avoid these mistakes.
So forget about trial and error. Forget about learning this stuff through the school of hard knocks. Instead, learn from my mistakes and save yourself a lot of time, grief and money. Read on…
Mistake #1:[Insert one-sentence description of mistake here.]
Almost everyone I know who tries to [get a specific result] ends up making this mistake. That’s because it’s a bit counter-intuitive. If you look at this from a logical standpoint, you may feel like you should be [taking a specific step]. Turns out that’s wrong – you should be [taking a different step] instead.
Mistake #2:[Insert one-sentence description of mistake here.]
I made this mistake not once but twice when I was starting out. So let me save you from doing the same thing. Instead of [making this mistake], try [taking a different step] instead. You’ll see much better results.
Mistake #3:[Insert one-sentence description of mistake here.]
Most people don’t even realize they’re making this mistake until [they get a bad result]. You can avoid this by [taking a specific action].
Mistake #4:[Insert one-sentence description of mistake here.]
If you ever [got a bad result] when you were trying to [complete a process or get a good result], then you were probably [making this mistake]. Next time, try [taking this alternative step] and see if you don’t get better results.
Mistake #5:[Insert one-sentence description of mistake here.]
I’ve saved the best for last. That’s because [explain why this mistake is so common and/or so dangerous or bad]. However, you can completely avoid [getting a bad result] simply by [doing this other thing instead]. It’s actually easier than you think!
In sum…
Give yourself a pat on the back for paying attention to this article. Because now that you know the top [number] mistakes and how to avoid them, you’ll be miles ahead of all the other people who’re trying to [get some specific result].
So take this newfound knowledge and confidence and start [taking action on a specific process] today!
Article #6: The “Rant” Article
The idea behind this piece is to push your readers’ emotional buttons. You want to remind them about some injustice, some widespread bit of information, something shady or something else bad that’s going on in your industry.
But be forewarned: this article may polarize people (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing). Use sparingly and realize it’s not right for every niche.
Title: If You’re Not Mad, You’re Not Paying Attention
Alternative Title: Every [Niche Group Member] Ought to be Upset About This…
I almost couldn’t believe it when I first [heard/read] about [description of thing that has you upset]. I thought it had to be some kind of practical joke. I just didn’t want to believe that [description of how this sort of thing could happen in your niche].
I guess maybe I’m just a little naïve. Maybe I’m not quite jaded or cynical enough to be [in this specific niche]. Maybe I want to believe that everyone is good and that no one would ever [do this bad thing that you’re writing about].
Yeah, I know – just call me Pollyanna, the one who thinks that everything in the [niche] industry is all sunshine and roses.
But come on, even if people spend a lot of time dabbling in the darker side of this industry, this whole [description of the event, thing, person that has you upset] must still upset them. I can’t be the only one, right? I hope I’m not the only one, otherwise I’m going to start losing my faith in humanity.
In case you’re not familiar with this news story, let me explain…
[Insert a full explanation of what happened. For example, did a network of affiliates use shady software to hijack commissions? Did “natural” bodybuilders get caught using steroids or other illegal performance-enhancing drugs? Did a well-respected person in the niche get a blemish on their squeaky-clean record?]
I could understand this if [some particular thing had happened to change the course of events – e.g., the person in question had handled the situation differently].
But that’s not what happened. Instead, [describe how the situation unfolded purposefully – e.g., no one did anything to stop it and/or they intentionally did something misleading, fraudulent, etc]. And that’s what has me so up and arms about this whole situation. It just makes me sick every time I think about [insert what part of the situation is particularly bothersome to you].
Problem is, we can’t ignore this in our industry. We shouldn’t ignore it. We shouldn’t let people get away with [insert description of whatever has happened in the industry]. And that’s why I’m taking a stand. Starting today, I’m no longer going to [describe what action you’re going to take, such as not buy certain products, not support certain people, etc].
It’s time we fight back against the dark underbelly of the [niche] industry. Maybe one person can’t make much of a difference. However, if we stand together, united, and [describe what action people can take together], then we CAN make a real difference. We can make sure that [some bad thing doesn’t happen anymore] and we can ensure [that some other bad thing never happens again].
I’ve already started [description of how you’re taking a stand]. Who’s with me?
Article #7: The “Encyclopedia” Article
This is an informational article, the type you might find on a site like Wikipedia.com. The idea is to give a beginner a good overview of some topic, as opposed to focusing on giving “how to” information or tips.
Title: A History of [Topic]
Alternative Title: [Niche Topic] – From [Date] to Today
[Topic] is [define the topic/word – for example, if the topic is “marketing,” then define marketing]. Often you’ll hear other terms used interchangeably, such as [interchangeable word], [interchangeable word] or [interchangeable word]. However, generally these other words are considered part of the overall topic of [topic].
History of [Topic]
[Topic] first started gaining popularity in [insert the date around when this topic came about, such as a person’s birth date, the introduction of the topic into the general culture, etc]. At that time, very few people were aware of [topic], and even fewer were using it to [get a desired result].
However, by [approximate date], [topic] was starting to become more and more well-known, especially among [group of people]. At this time, [topic] was also starting to [become more familiar or used more in certain circles]. That’s when [topic] started getting broken down into the core components that we know of today, including [list the core components here, such as “affiliate marketing” or “obedience training”].
Today, [give a description of how the event, person, or thing has changed over the years to get to where it is today]. To a large extent, it was influenced by [insert descriptions of anything that influenced the person, topic, event, etc].
In addition, we’ve learned a lot about [topic] over the years, due to the large number of dedicated [scientists, enthusiasts, practitioners, researchers, volunteers or any other group of people who’ve helped ensure progress in the field]. Most notably:
- [Insert name and description of person who’s known for advancing the field, along with a description of their contribution.]
- [Insert name and description of person who’s known for advancing the field, along with a description of their contribution.]
- [Continue this list with others who’re known for making significant contributions to the field.]
Overview of the [Core Components]
As mentioned above, by [date] the [topic] was starting to be understood in terms of [description of its core components]. Today, most instructors and experts will address these topics separately so that students and others who’re interested in [learning about this topic or getting a specific result] will have an easier time doing so.
[Insert Core Component 1: For example, if the topic is weight loss, then you might focus on four core components: good nutrition, cardio exercise, resistance training (weight lifting) and motivation.]]: [Insert description of this core component – give an overview and explain how it fits into the greater topic, why it’s so important, etc.]
[Insert Core Component 2]: [Insert description of this core component.]
[Insert Core Component 3]: [Insert description of this core component.]
[Insert Any Other Core Components]: [Insert description of these core components.]
In Conclusion
[Topic] wasn’t always the way we see it today. Indeed, just [number] of [years] ago, [topic] was really in its infancy. However, thanks to [events or people] like [name these events or people], our understanding and appreciation for [topic] has really progressed over the years.
Now today you can [get a specific benefit by using the topic the appropriate way].
Article #8: The “Promotional” Article
Most of the templates I’m giving you center informational articles, such as the how-to article, the tips article and so on. However, this article is a promotional piece, meaning its goal is to directly sell a product or service.
Title: The Secret of [Getting a Desired Result]
Alternative Title: Here’s Why I Love [Product Name]
Are you tired of [getting a bad result]? Do you get frustrated every time you [get a bad result]? If so, then you’re going to want to read every word of this article.
You see, I used to be just like you. I started out trying to [get a good result in a specific niche] about [however many weeks, months or years ago]. But success kept eluding me. I kept making mistakes (even though I didn’t understand they were mistakes at the time). Seems like [desired benefit] was always just out of reach.
Maybe you can relate. See if any of these sound familiar to you:
- You really want to [get a good thing], but [some bad thing happens instead].
- You look around and everyone makes it look so easy to get [good thing] – but it never works for you.
- You really want to [get a good thing]. You’ve dreamed about it. Yet you always [end up not getting it, back where you started] and frustrated.
- [Tap into other emotional buttons here by recounting what other things the prospect may have wished for but not achieved yet. Tap into how the person feels – ashamed? Sad? Guilty? Embarrassed? Frustrated?]
If you can agree to any of the above points, then I have some wonderful news…
Now you too can [get a benefit] – guaranteed!
Introducing [name of product or service], the quick and easy way to [get a specific result]. No prior experience, skills or knowledge required. All you need is [describe what is needed to use the product, such as a “computer” or “a desire to succeed”].
Check it out here: [link]
Here’s a sneak peek at what you get when you order now:
- You’ll discover a surprisingly simple way to [get a specific benefit].
- You’ll find out what the pros know about [getting another benefit] – you don’t want to miss out on these insider secrets!
- You’ll learn a surefire way to [get a specific result].
And much, much more. Once you start using [name of product or service], you too will finally [get a specific benefit]!
But don’t take my word for it. See what people around the globe are saying about [product name or service]:
[Insert a strong testimonial,
preferably one which talks about
the results the customer received.]
[Insert another strong testimonial.]
And they’re not the only ones.
Even a [type of person, something relevant to your niche like a “former teacher” or “someone who was scared of dogs”] is raving about this product.
Take a look:
[Insert a surprising testimonial,
like a 50-year-old who successfully used
a bodybuilding program, or someone
who flunked English who’s now
making a living selling books.]
Listen, if [product name or service] worked for [name of person who gave the above testimonial], then you know it will work for you too.
So check it out right now at [link] – and don’t delay, because you’re going to love [getting good results]!
Article #9: The “Press Release” Article
This is where you share news about your industry, business or a product with the intent of having this news distributed by the media.
As such, this truly does need to be “news” – something informative – and not a promotional article.
Title: [Industry] Sees Signs of [Strengthening/Weakening]
Alternative Title: [Niche Expert] Offers Tips for [Getting a Specific Result]
Every year at this time, [niche members] start thinking more about [some specific activity in the niche – for example, “winterizing their homes” or “losing weight for beach season”]. But plenty of people put it off to the last minute. And then they’re scrambling to [finish some process], which means they usually end up [with less than spectacular results].
“Every year right around [a month or so from now] I get a big rush of people who want me to help them [get some specific result], “says [full name], owner of [company]. “But I’m usually backed up by then.
The people who get the [some specific good result] are the ones who get started now.”
That’s why [last name] and others in the industry encourage people to start [completing this time-sensitive process now]. Those who get it done early tend to enjoy [insert the specific benefits someone might enjoy by getting something done now, such as less stress or cost-savings]. And these early birds also [insert another benefit people will receive by completing the process early].
However, [last name] does note that even those who’re starting to [work to complete some specific process now] can run into frustrating delays.
In fact, [she/he] says that most people tend to make the same three mistakes when they’re trying to [get a specific benefit]. And those who make all three of these mistakes tend to waste the most [time, money, resources, etc].
- The first mistake, says [last name], is to not [do some specific good thing, like “organize all your receipts”]. [Explain the impact of this mistake – why it wastes time, wastes money, creates delays, creates frustrations or some other undesirable result.]
- Another common mistake is to [not do some other good thing, such as “comparison shop in order to secure the lowest prices”]. [Again, explain why this is a mistake and what readers can do instead in order to get better results.]
- Finally, [last name] also notes that he sees a lot of people [making some other common mistake]. [Explain why this is a mistake and what people should do instead in order to get better results.]
“I think people are getting smarter about [getting a specific benefit] while [avoiding these common mistakes],” [last name] says. I expect that this year we’re going to see [insert some prediction about what’s going to happen with regards to the topic discussed in this press release].”
The [research/trends/news/etc] tend to agree. Last year [insert a statistic related to the topic, such as “15% of people were struggling to pay their mortgages”]. This year, however, that number has [gone up or down] – it’s now [insert the current statistic, research or other fact that backs up what you’re saying in this article]. And these new trends have a lot of people [smiling, frowning, happy, anxious about the future, or some other relevant description]. However, [end with a positive summary of the current event].
To learn more about [full name]’s [business], you can [insert contact information such as a website].
Article #10: The “Motivational” Article
The goal of this article is to motivate your reader to start taking some specific action. This works particularly well if you tell a story about someone who’s similar to your reader, yet this person had to overcome plenty of obstacles to find success. The reader will think, “If this person can do, then so can I.”
Note: Naturally, you can tell your own story to motivate readers. That’s what I’ve done for this template below.
Title: How [Person] [Received Some Kind of Benefit]
Alternative Title: The Incredible Story of [Some Person Who Got a Surprising Benefit]
I didn’t always [enjoy some benefit that you’re currently enjoying, like “didn’t always wear size 4 jeans” or “I wasn’t always free of back pain”].
In fact, it wasn’t all that long ago that I had to [endure or suffer from some bad thing, like “suffer from chronic allergies”].
Those were some of the [saddest, most embarrassing… or some other appropriate emotional description] times of my life. I can still remember what it felt like to [experience the emotional aspect of a bad thing, such as “hear people laughing at me because I was so heavy”].
Some days I just wanted to [insert appropriate description, such as cry, give up, move away, etc].
Then one day something really shocking happened to me. [Describe this shocking, life-changing or other impactful event that made you decide to make a change in your life]. And it’s at that time that I decided things needed to change. I needed to change. So I made the decision [to get some desired result].
It wasn’t easy.
At that time I [describe what kind of obstacles you had, such as “had a full time job plus attending night school”], so [describe the impact of these obstacles – such as you were short on time, short on money, etc]. There were days that I didn’t think I’d ever achieve my goal of [describe your goal].
It didn’t help that other people didn’t think I’d succeed, either.
You have no idea how many times I heard naysayers tell me things like:
- Why even bother?
- You’re [too old/too young or some other reason].
- You can’t do this because [insert some common objection why people can’t accomplish the goal].
It’s at that point that I realized that all of these other things going on in my life, like [describe perceived obstacles], weren’t really obstacles at all.
They were excuses.
And the only real obstacle I had was to get over my negative thinking patterns and start believing that [insert description of who or what you needed to believe in].
Now don’t get me wrong – I still needed to do a lot of other work in order to [accomplish the specific goal]. I studied [topic]. I talked to others who’d [accomplished the same goal]. And I learned a whole lot about [getting a desired result] simply through the process of trial and error.
But then one day I had a breakthrough: [describe the turning point]. And suddenly, I [describe how you were finally getting results].
How? Because [describe the most significant thing you did that spurred your success]. And I also [describe other thing you did that helped spur your success].
Listen, I know it’s hard to [get a desired result], especially if you [have some specific obstacle]. However, I did it in spite of [having all these obstacles]. And I just know that if I can do it, then you can too.
Go ahead and try it – you might just surprise yourself!
You just discovered 10 different types of articles that you can submit to article directories, post on your blog, send to your newsletter list, post on your Facebook page or even distribute through offline channels.
Not only did you learn about these 10 types, you also received 10 “plug and play” templates.
That means you can now write full-length, effective articles in just a few minutes. No more wracking your brain for titles, for openers or for anything else.
I’ve done the hard work for you – now all you have to do is plug in a few words into these templates and start distributing your new articles.
So what are you waiting for? Get to it!