Ever struggle with writing headline for your blog or emails?
I always do. Or I create a bunch but none seem to be good enough. Even when I use the templates and swipes from Content Creation Made Easy. Granted using CCME makes things ways easier but sometimes I want to mix things up and just write freely.
But how do I know if the headline I come up with is a good one?
With a new, free online headline analyzer I just found.
Not really sure how I found this tool but I’m sure glad I did.
It’s CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer tool.
I don’t know if it’s the end-all, be-all to headline creation but at least it will give you guidance to whether or not your headline is worth a crap.
Be sure to check it out and test a few headlines.
Then after that go to Content Creation Made Easy and make all your content creation projects, well, easy.