You’re about to get 3 “plug and play” templates for creating your own high-response solo mailings!
Just pick a template, insert relevant information where noted and you’re good to go. Still hardly any work or thinking required!
Solo #1: The “Bad Thing” Mailing
Subject 1: Do you ever wish [Get Rid of Bad Thing or Get Good Thing]?
Example: Do you ever wish you were a better golfer?
Subject 2: Are you tired/frustrated of/with [Bad Thing]?
Example: Are you tired of trying diets that don’t work?
Subject 3: Imagine you, [Good Thing]
Example: Imagine you, a successful online marketer
Dear [First Name],
You know what it’s like…
Seems like every time you turn around there’s another product promising that you’ll [get a good benefit]. Your excitement goes through the roof. You think that this time you finally found the solution to your [niche/topic] problems.
But then…
Disappointment. Frustration.
Feeling that eerie sense of déjà vu because you’ve been here before.
Weeks, maybe months are lost. And yet you still [have specific problem]. You still [have undesired result]. And sometimes you don’t think you’ll ever [get a good result].
Worse yet, you look around and it seems like you’re the only one who can’t [get desired result].
You start thinking it’s you (it’s NOT).
You start wondering what those other guys have that you don’t. You start wondering what their secrets are.
Sound familiar?
Well if so, you’re about to discover some marvelous news…
Introducing [product name] – your surefire solution to [getting desired result]!
I know, that’s a pretty bold claim. But I can make that kind of bold claim because I know [product name] works. I’ve used it to [get desired result]. Countless others have used it to [get desired result]. And that’s why I know it will work for you too.
Need proof? Just take a look at what you’ll learn when you download your copy of [product name] today…
- You’ll discover a neat little trick that [gets desired results] every time!
- You’ll learn a bizarre yet effective way to [get a desired result]!
- What do [expert/successful members of the niche] know that you don’t? You’ll find out!
- You’ll learn how a [person who used to have the problem] [got desired result] – and how you can too!
- You’ll get a neat tool that will actually [get desired result]!
- You’ll find out how to [get desired result] – you won’t want to miss it!
… And much, much more. By the time you finish reading this exciting [niche/topic] guide, you’ll know exactly how to [get biggest benefit]!
I know you’re excited. I know you want to start [getting benefits]. But you’re probably still wondering if it really works.
I know it will. But you don’t have to take my word for it. And you don’t even have to say “yes” today. Instead, all you have to do is say “maybe,” and I’ll let you download the guide right now… risk free.
That’s because [product name] is backed by a rock-solid [number] day guarantee. If you’re unsatisfied for ANY reason – if you don’t absolutely agree that this is the best way to [get benefit] – then just say the word and I’ll refund every penny.
I can’t be any more fair than that.
And that’s why there’s just one thing left for you to do: Click here to get started.
[Sign off your name]
P.S. Click here now, because you’re going to love [getting desired benefit] – and you might even be surprised at just how easy it is.
Solo #2: The “Big Benefit” Mailing
Subject 1: If you want [Benefit], read this…
Example: If you want more traffic, read this…
Subject 2: Here’s the best way to [Get Desired Benefit]…
Example: Here’s the best way to get rid of belly fat
Subject 3: Discover the truth about [Product Name]…
Example: Discover the truth about
Dear [First Name],
Seems like everyone’s buzzing about [product name]. And maybe it has you wondering – what’s all the fuss about?
I tell you what it is: People all over the world are getting amazing [niche/topics/benefit] results. And they can’t help but shout it from the rooftops.
I’m not talking about extraordinary people getting unbelievable results. I’m not talking about people who possess some sort of skill or special talent. And I’m not even talking about lucky people.
Instead, I’m talking about people who’re just like YOU.
People who [average characteristic of target market]. People who want to [get desired benefit] but it never quite seems to happen. People who want a [niche/topic] solutions that works for the average guy or gal.
Seems kind of hard to believe, doesn’t it? But the good news is that you don’t have to take my word for it.
Just look at what [name], [describe person using niche-relevant characteristics, such as “a 30 year old single mom from New York”] says about [product name]:
[Insert testimonial]
And she’s not the only one who’s enjoying [getting desired benefit].
Then there are folks like [name], who tried for years to get [desire benefit]. Maybe this sounds familiar?
He tried every [niche-relevant] solution he could get his hands on. He tried the [broad description of one solution]. He tried [description of another solution]. And yet he kept spinning his wheels. He got more frustrated because [bad thing kept happening]. Truth is, [name] thought he’d never [get desired result].
But then [name] found [product name]. He says that’s the day his life changed for the better, because that’s the day he finally started [getting desired benefit]. Just take a look at what he says about it:
[Insert testimonial]
It’s pretty amazing, right? And it’s even all the more extraordinary when you consider that these are people who’re just like you.
So let me ask you to think about something: If people like [name of first testimonial giver] and [name of second testimonial giver] can get these kinds of results, just imagine what [product name] can do for you.
Go ahead, imagine [getting desired result]. Picture what it will feel like when you finally [get another desired result]. And just think about how your life will change when you [get another desired result].
All of these and more could be yours. And all you have to do is click here to get started.
Just think, in mere minutes from now you’ll be discovering:
- How to [get desired benefit]!
- A deceptively simple way to [get a benefit]!
- Which [niche/topic] mistakes you might be making right now – and how to avoid these costly blunders in the future!
- The secrets of [getting desired benefit]!
- A simple two-step system for [getting desired benefit] – this one works like magic!
And more – truth is, this is the best way I know to [get major benefit]! So what are you waiting for? Click here to discover how you too can [get desired benefit] – and do it now, because you deserve it!
[Sign off/name]
P.S. If you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep [getting undesirable result]. If you have the courage to make a change – if you’re ready to [get good result] – then click here now…
Solo #3: The “Deal” Mailing
Subject 1: Here’s a great deal if you act fast…
Subject 2: Special discount ends soon…
Subject 3: It’s your last chance to [Get Benefit / Get Offer]…
Example: It’s your last chance to enjoy a 50% discount…
Dear [First Name],
Time is running out…
In just [number] [hours/days] from now, the special [% or $ off] [type, such as “introductory” or “Christmas”] discount expires on [product name]. And if you don’t take advantage of it right now, you’re going to kick yourself later – so click here to claim your discount.
Truth is, [product name] is a steal at twice the price. That’s because it’s the only [niche/topic] solution that [gets you a special desired benefit].
And that’s not the only reason you’ll want to download [product name] today.
Here are five other reasons why you should join savvy [niche members] in [getting desired result]:
- It’s EASY. You don’t need a degree in rocket science to use [product name]. You don’t need any experience or pre-existing skills to get great [type] results. Anyone can do this – if you can [do some simple task], then you can [get a great result]!
- It’s FAST. You don’t have to sit around waiting for weeks or months to see results. That’s because [product name] includes [niche/topic] tips and tactics that you can put to use immediately to get fast results. And then you’ll get long-term strategies to use to keep [getting desired results].
- It WORKS – guaranteed. You’ve seen the proof. You’ve heard the testimonials from others. But maybe you’re still wondering if it will work for you.
I can tell you right now that it will – but you don’t need to take my word for it. Instead, download this guide risk-free today and try it out for yourself! You get a full [number] [days/weeks/months] to try it out. If you’re not absolutely thrilled, just drop me an email and you’ll get your money back… no questions asked. It doesn’t get any easier than this.
- This is a MEATY, NO-FLUFF guide. I know you’ve seen those other guides. Some of leave out the important steps, which leaves you scratching your head and wondering what to do next. Others are so full of fluff that you have to wade through the ebook just to pick out a few choice tidbits.
That’s why this guide is different. This one is a meaty step-by-step guide to [getting a desired result] – but you won’t find a word of fluff or filler. And that means you can focus on solving your [type] problems rather than trying to pick out the good bits.
- You can GET STARTED TODAY. This guide is available as a .PDF, meaning you can download it right now and be devouring it within minutes. By the time you go to sleep tonight, you’ll know exactly how to [get a desired benefit]!
You know this is the [type/niche] solution you’ve been looking for. And with the [% or $ off] discount, you also know this is the right time to buy. So your next step is easy – just click here to get started.
But do it now, because this offer ends soon!
[Sign off]
P.S. Go ahead and shop around – you won’t find a better [type/niche] solution at a better price. But don’t take too long, because this special offer ends soon!